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Devising system for noting secondary sources in block quotation. New edition of previously published work

Working with a text that makes extensive use of a secondary source that will be given in block quotation and, of course, cited. The secondary source, however, contained many original source citations ...
Typothalamus's user avatar
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2 answers

Where can I publish my biography online for free where it will be preserved?

I'm a strictly-amateur author. I've written my autobiography. I don't want to be paid but I feel it has value and would like it preserved online in some fashion for posterity. How can I go about this?...
DIYFred's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I send my new book to many publishers at the same time?

Can I send my new book to many publishers at the same time? If I did what will happen if two of them accepted the work?
Dr. phy's user avatar
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Can I set up a pen name for my story on WattPad?

I've written a story and want to make it available to readers on WattPad. I want to use a pen name to hide my identity. Is this possible on WattPad?
Doug Null's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Can other characters than the main character have point of view?

I am writing a story. I actually just started and I am still writing the first chapter. Is it okay to write from a minor character's point of view first? Simply put, the main character is unconscious ...
Oyeranti's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Is it necessary to describe a character's physical appearance in a novel

I am writing a novel and I realized that I did not describe any of my characters, like practically, no reader would be able to place or imagine the character which I feel is not right. That is why I ...
Oyeranti's user avatar
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How do I use Google AdWords to lead potential readers to my WattPad story?

I have a 90k word story that I want to publish on WattPad, and I plan to "religiously" follow all their promotion guides. I don't see using Google AdWords anywhere in the guide. How can I ...
Doug Null's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is it good practice to submit an update on my work while publisher is reviewing it for consideration?

I sent a publisher my manuscript for a secondary textbook five months ago. They've sent me occasional updates saying they're still reviewing it. The last update I received was two months ago. At the ...
Village's user avatar
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I am trying to voice for ACX audiobooks and I am 14, is there an age limit?

How old would I have to be? Would I be able to get a fair pay for my age? What roles would I be able to voice?
Kate's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Best operating system for the serious writer? [closed]

Windows, Android, macOS or else?
user57108's user avatar
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2 answers

How do trademark laws work for sci-fi tech?

I want to write sci-fi and I love science fiction technologies. However I know you can trademark a name like Star Wars did with droid. Yet, speaking of Star Wars, Larry Niven’s Ringworld is ...
Max's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Complex cardiac surgery story

I will be writing a short story with the title as "Complex cardiac surgery". Can this story written later converted to a documentary movie with the end user audience as MBBS (Medical) ...
Prashant Akerkar's user avatar
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How short can a story be in order to be sold as intellectual property?

How short can a story be in order to be sold as intellectual property? I was wondering about this, because Starship Trooper was adapted into a film, and the film adapts a short mention of bug-like ...
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Do dual narratives have to alternate every chapter?

I’m contemplating writing a dual narrative, because after much thought and research, I think it’s the most interesting/effective way to tell my story. All the dual narratives I’ve seen alternate ...
greylark's user avatar
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Text size on images for pdf ebooks

I have designed an ebook using very specific formatting and graphics that need to be maintained. As such, I am converting the individual pages into image files, and then publishing the complete book ...
Sylvan's user avatar
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Asking editors to elaborate on their response

Do let me know if this is off-topic. My question relates to the publishing process, and the typical ramifications of an possible action could have on one's future ability to be published. Getting ...
user110391's user avatar
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What does working after under contract look like?

I worked on a manuscript for many years. During that time, I was independent, so I could make changes and decisions, without documenting or informing or getting permission. I may soon be working to ...
Village's user avatar
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Can authors retell their own stories in different ways?

This probably sounds like a stupid question, but I have an idea to take the love story subplot from my fantasy story and retell it in the real world, without any magic or fantasy in it. I love the ...
a.m.d.'s user avatar
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should I insert a copyright notice into my Kindle Direct Publishing Vella publication?

Is it a good idea to have a copyright notice at the beginning or end of each episode, or in my Vella story's Description section? I'm thinking maybe: "COPYRIGHT 2022 BY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED"
Doug Null's user avatar
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Manuscript Formatting

What program should I use to actually lay out my manuscript? I am in Reedsy doing the editing and writing. The illustrator is working on the pictures, but I need to be working on the layout so I can ...
Lisa Seifred's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Is it standard practice to use a computerised "find and replace" when localising a book for another market?

I was recently reading my UK edition of the book Spells by Aprilynne Pike, and was most amused to come across the word "occutrousers": But I am safe there, as are its other occutrousers. I ...
Showsni's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Can I take the text of my own already published book (ebook & POD), amend & improve it, add new title and cover pic, and self-publish as a new book?

I have a published (ebook & paperback) novel which was published in 2015 by a UK publishing house. The text was never carefully or properly proofed and there were many printing problems. Net ...
Phil's user avatar
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Ligatures in modern novels - A Publishers perspective?

A reading a modern paperback book on Amazon I came across this: As I was reading, I had to look twice at the words "fist" and "fire," but sure enough, the print was not an "f&...
Vogon Poet's user avatar
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How do you write a submission for a previously published book (taken off the market by the author) and introducing a 2nd book in the original series

The original children's historical fiction picture book was self published by the author. It sold a few thousand and was on Amazon but was too expensive to continue being published by the author's ...
Denise Theobald's user avatar
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Is it possible for an author to publish an online course based on their published book?

I know that a publisher usually demands exclusive publishing rights for a period of time. However, if that author creates an online course based on the book, would that typically be restricted by the ...
jameshfisher's user avatar
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How do Fair Use and Copyright laws apply to allusions in writing?

I'm working on a novel where one of my main characters is young, and supposed to be obsessed with anything under the brand name "Star Wars"(Especially pertaining to the movie.) When talking ...
Annah's user avatar
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How or why would a publisher republish a work that's out of print?

I checked out a paperback from the library about home owner associations. When I went back for another book on the subject, I found it to be the same book, but a different cover and different ...
Steve's user avatar
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Could one sell a screenplay written for an animated show?

Let's say I've written an episode-by-episode screenplay on my own time (I don't work for an animation studio). It's well-written and original, but because it hasn't already been published, it of ...
Jay Gee's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it advantageous for authors to work as an LLC? [closed]

Is it advantageous for authors to work as an LLC? If I'm going to be writing a lot of books, it seems to make sense to work with publishers from an LLC and get some protection from spurious lawsuits. (...
Steve's user avatar
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Is there an industry term for a letter inquiring if a publisher is interested in a work?

I finished writing a non-fiction manuscript and now need to find an appropriate publisher. There are no existing books in this particular niche, so it is challenging to find a publisher to fit. In the ...
Village's user avatar
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2 answers

How to publish a Russian edition of a book on Amazon?

How can I publish a Russian book on Amazon? I have found many books in Russian but could not find any way to publish my Russian edition.
user55829's user avatar
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Can I use something from another series in my own?

I’ve been working on my series for two and a half years now, and this is just now coming to my attention. My series has to do with vampires and other supernatural entities, and I’ve been using the ...
Lele Smith's user avatar
4 votes
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How do you reduce a 5-page book proposal down to 1 page?

An article says to write a 5-page book proposal and a 1-page version. When submitting to agents and book publishers, read their submission guidelines for which length they prefer. How much weight ...
Steve's user avatar
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8 votes
6 answers

170k debut fantasy story. Is it possible?

This has been a very contradictory topic for me. I've been told that publishers expect fantasy books to be that long but others would tell me that 170k is too long. So far I've been cutting things ...
Faith's user avatar
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Places to post serial fiction that isn't romance, erotica, vampires or werewolves?

I'm familiar with Wattpad and have heard of something called Radish for sharing and reading serialized fiction, but it seems apps and sites like this are flooded with Romance/Erotica or Vampires/...
Bridgebot101's user avatar
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Can I submit my manuscript to publisher as well as literary ageant?

I was looking for a similar question on this site but did not find one. Can I submit my manuscript to the publisher as well as the literary agent?
The White Cloud's user avatar
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Do you have to hire an editor to see if your novel is appropriate for an age group?

Do you have to hire an editor to see if your novel is appropriate for an age group? Because people nowadays self publish a lot, I was wondering how you would verify that your novel is appropriate for ...
user avatar
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Is it acceptable practice to contact a publisher to double-check they've rejected manuscript?

I sent a manuscript for a textbook to a publisher 2 months ago. I've not heard anything back at all. Though the publisher's process of fully accepting a manuscript can take up to 6 months, they say ...
Village's user avatar
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Copyright if I continue someone else's work

I am writing a book - continuing someone's book series. They were finished but I'd really like to see the other characters' lives. I need to quote (I wouldn't say really quote but let's call that ...
Emma Edwards's user avatar
-3 votes
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Can you publish a webtoon on a webtoon website like webtoon in comic or manga format?

Can you publish a webtoon on a webtoon website like webtoon in comic or manga format? Now, the standard canvas has a size of 800x1280px. I am wondering if you can cut the height or the height has to ...
user avatar
6 votes
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Do I have to attribute Apache font license when using it for e-book and print book?

I'm currently in the process of writing a book, and I'm using mostly OFL fonts in it, but I also find some Apache licensed fonts very attractive and would like to use them. The condition for using ...
Aecarvalho's user avatar
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Can you publish a single chapter of a manga series?

Can you publish a single chapter of a manga series? I am guessing yes, but I don't see manga chapters being sold separately on Amazon. I see comics issue being sold, but it seems issues are sold for ...
user avatar
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How do you handle editions in comic books?

How do you handle editions in comic books? Sometimes, you want to change something in a comic book, because there's a plot hole, so you release a second edition of an issue or chapter, how should you ...
user avatar
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If writing a technical book, what's a "correct" way to write the manuscript and include graphs / charts / diagrams?

Typically I would use LaTex for a journal, but if you were submitting a manuscript to a publisher, what's an appropriate tool/method? I ask, because textbooks don't usually appear like they are LaTex ...
JoeBass's user avatar
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Is there any standard format for the title page of a manuscript?

I'm finally ready to send my manuscript to the publisher. I'm wondering if there is any standard way to format the title page of the document. I'm including such details as my name, the working title, ...
Village's user avatar
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19 votes
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How can I contact JK Rowling for permission to publish my sequel for the Harry Potter series?

I recently watched the entire Harry Potter series in December 2021. I really loved the Harry Potter world and all the characters. Even after days, I couldn't stop myself from thinking about it and I'm ...
Sam N's user avatar
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What's the correct title for someone doing the layout, additional content, and getting agreements from the writers and artists?

I recently participated in an ekphrastic event where a number of poets wrote poems inspired by paintings from a couple of artists. We've decided to create an anthology based on the paintings and poems ...
Terri Simon's user avatar
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Can you tell if a book on Amazon is print-on-demand?

For context: I have a poetry chapbook which has been published by a small publisher. The book is sold through their website and through Amazon. Unfortunately, my publisher is not very communicative ...
Terri Simon's user avatar
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Can authors work with a different publisher for a derivative work?

Suppose an author created a book "Learning Mandarin", which contained a bunch of readings and assignments in English and Chinese for learning the language. The problem is, they have to work ...
Village's user avatar
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Is it economically feasible in the present day to write a book series for an older audience as a series of short novellas?

I want to write my book series as a series of short novellas (about 150 pages each) with each book forming part of the storyline. The majority of books written with comparable lengths are intended for ...
Galactic's user avatar
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