I sent a publisher my manuscript for a secondary textbook five months ago. They've sent me occasional updates saying they're still reviewing it. The last update I received was two months ago.
At the time I submitted, I described the core as finished. Privately, my plan was publish what I had as 1st edition, then incorporate my additional planned changes in the 2nd edition. But over the many months waiting, I've spend thousands of hours updating it, basically incorporating most of the items I put on my 2nd edition checklists.
I'm considering sending the publisher an update. On the one hand, this is an excuse to check on the status of their review--to see if they want to publish it, but on the other, I want them to see my best work.
My concern is, will this be seen as a positive to the publisher?--Does that show I'm still hard at work finding ways to make it better?
Or would that be seen as annoyance--its a massive manuscript already (2,500 pages)--at this point if they are still considering it I assume they've sent the book to professors to check the content's accuracy, and so maybe they will be angry to hear it has changed in the meantime?