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Questions tagged [short-story]

Use this tag for questions about short stories. Do not use this tag for questions about novellas, flash fiction, or other types of short fiction.

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1 answer

How do I start my characters dream / What do I need to start my characters dream

I'm trying to write a backstory for my character but somehow I can't think of how or what place to start his dream because I'm currently new to writing stories
Ram Bides's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Publishing anonymously; using a "proxy" author

I'd like to submit a short story for publication with (publisher here). However, I'm a very private person and I'm not entirely happy with the protections afforded by a pseudonym. If I were to sell my ...
ConnieMnemonic's user avatar
3 votes
6 answers

How to get over a long break from writing?

I'm wanting to get back into writing and work on a novel or a collection of short stories. In the past, I've done creative writing and I've written a full-length novel, however it's been over a year ...
AnnWithNoE's user avatar
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How to find a short story idea?

How to randomly generate short story ideas without any inspiration? And how to implement that idea and get a unique short story?
Riotheavn 's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How can I tell if tension is a problem while writing?

I’ve recently started plotting out the first of many stories I have kicking around in my brain that I’d like to publish. It’s a fairly short one, and I have written stories before, but I’ve never ...
Autopsy Blue's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Changing viewpoint styles in a short story collection?

I have just started working on a collection of short stories that I may or may not attempt to publish in the future (it is currently a side project while waiting for agents to reply to my novel ...
TGA_1's user avatar
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How to make an interesting story about a cat?

I never had the experience of writing a proper story, so I am confused about how to start and end the story. Also, please provide some some tips to make the story interesting.
Cecill's user avatar
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Am I legally allowed to expand someone else's short story into a novel?

For years I told a short story in my kindergarten classroom. It was written and freely shared by the writer. I rewrote the short story (2-3 pages) into a middle grade chapter book, expanding the plot, ...
HRWriter's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How do you know if your story is too complicated or just complicated enough?

I've been working on my current story for almost a year. It's a great story but at times it seems really complicated. How complicated is too complicated in a story?
Kexin Hooper's user avatar
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What is the proper formatting of type and quote marks when the main character talks aloud to himself, to someone else, or has internal dialogue?

I am authoring a novel. The main character interacts with others in oral conversation and will also have internal dialogue with himself, during the same conversation. Or he will talk aloud to an ...
abluepelican's user avatar
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1 answer

Can a 17 year old take NSFW Commissions? [closed]

As a 17 year old, am I allowed to write NSFW for commissions? If so, how extreme? Actual s*x, blowjobs, tits, etc lol, what would be allowed?
Liri's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

Short stories to practice writing

I’m writing a novel. I am planning the plot in detail and doing worldbuilding. In the meantime, I would like to write some short stories to practice writing itself (style, pacing, emotion, ...
Marina's user avatar
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4 answers

I want to write a short story without naming the places the characters visit

How can I write a short story without naming the places characters visit? Example: If the main character visits a restaurant then I want to show it to the the reader without naming the restaurant.
tony's user avatar
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4 answers

What factors can be used to make a villain more relatable to readers?

In situations where a character is an irredeemable and unrepentant villain (pedophile) but is just a regular everyman character in every other respect (he looks, acts, and speaking in an unremarkable ...
Aaargh Zombies's user avatar
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How can we use ChatGPT to write stories? [closed]

If I have an idea for the plot of the story, what is the best way that I can use ChatGPT to make it write stories for me? Edit. To everyone who has spent time answering with few assumptions (including ...
MouseNag's user avatar
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3 answers

How to write from the POV of a cell?

For science, my teacher wants us to write a children's book from the pov of a cell after a character gets hurt. I already wrote about a mouse breaking her ankle from ballet, but I now need to write ...
andi's user avatar
  • 21
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How to write a character losing time

Stuff happens -blackout- More stuff happens This is both how the character is supposed to experience time, and how it's written so far. But it has a number of problems. The biggest ones are: It looks ...
jordynfinity's user avatar
-1 votes
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Complex cardiac surgery story

I will be writing a short story with the title as "Complex cardiac surgery". Can this story written later converted to a documentary movie with the end user audience as MBBS (Medical) ...
Prashant Akerkar's user avatar
1 vote
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In a collection of stories with multiple worlds, how do you cue your readers as to what world your story takes place?

In a collection of stories with multiple worlds, how do you cue your readers as to what world your story takes place? Let's say I have a collection of short stories, there are 1,000 science fiction ...
user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is there a website to generate short stories from prompts?

Is there a website that can take prompts/context & create short stories?
MouseNag's user avatar
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5 answers

Can you write a short story that's only an exposition for worldbuilding?

Can you write a short story that's only an exposition for worldbuilding? Let's say that you have a collection of science fiction short stories. In order to have strong worldbuilding, is it possible to ...
user avatar
1 vote
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How should you tell reader in what world your story takes place if you are writing a collection of short novels taking place in different world?

How should you tell reader in what world your story takes place if you are writing a collection of short novels taking place in different world? Is it a problem if in some situations it's almost ...
user avatar
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How to decide on the ending of a story?

I've been writing a short story about a boy who accidentally killed his brother and went through a serious trauma that he even started taking drugs (knowing that he is only 12 y.o). In this story, I ...
Nour Fourti's user avatar
5 votes
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Working backwards from "Delete the people, keep the math and jazz." (SciFi short story)

I'm a great lover and a modest consumer of the short story genre. But I've precious little experience writing fiction. A line just popped into my head while listening to music and working problem in ...
uhoh's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What do I need to keep in mind when writing a "pilot" episode for a series?

I've been working on a series. However, the series is very long and incomplete, so it's difficult to get feedback on it from others. So I’ve been considering writing a “pilot” episode. A short story ...
user2352714's user avatar
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3 answers

How to write a character going insane

I am writing a short story for homework. The story is about a writer who has to write a narrative for a book fair she'll be attending as an honorary guest, but she can't come up with any ideas. In a ...
Croissant's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

My character surprised me with their behaviour while writing them, should I keep that behaviour or stick to how I had planned them?

I was doing some exploratory writing without much planning/thinking and one of the characters acted in a way I wasn't expecting! In the narrative the character (normally kind/warm) is under stress, ...
ProseFerret's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

How can I change scene without changing chapter?

I'm writing a short story/novelette (unfinished but at about 7k words) and I have 5 chapters already. I intend to add more content during a second or third pass. I've been using chapters to change ...
ProseFerret's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

I'm writing short stories in first-person view. How to include dialogue where there main character is not present?

I've started to write a book of short stories about a quirky nerdy guy and his growth into an adult man (see here for a description). I got a recommendation to use first-person narration. While about ...
Busspotter Penguin's user avatar
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Can you help me understand what a "lyrical short story" is?

What are the minimum requirements for a lyrical short story to be a story? If it is plotless what separates the lyrical short story from random chatter?
Cool Guy's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

What is the minimum requirement for a song to be considered a story?

I can't figure out if my songs are stories since they don't contain a climax, multiple characters, or a resolution. For example is this song a story? It lacks conflict and climax and resolution but it ...
Cool Guy's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

How can I avoid overusing "I" and "I'm" in a first person short story?

The story I'm writing uses 'I' and 'I'm' way too much, and it's really obvious. The problem is that I cannot find words to replace the two, and when I do, it always changes and bends what I'm trying ...
Rose's user avatar
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Which factors do we need to count to evaluate the standards of short story?

I like writing suspense-based short stories similar to this one on Wattpad, but I don’t know how to assess if my writing is good or meets the expectations of the suspense genre, or if my stories ...
Zain Ul Abidin's user avatar
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Writing scenes where everything goes absurdly wrong?

I'm writing a short story where a mysterious rich man has just died and his friends are gathering to find out his will. The dead man was quite eccentric and wanted to send them all on a wild goose ...
abrac's user avatar
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3 answers

Need help with the correct wording: Platoon? Squad? Or something else? [closed]

I wrote a short story about a 6 men on a rescue mission to save a family during WWII. I originally called them a "platoon" and wrote about the main characters "platoon mates"; ...
Josh C. Jones's user avatar
-1 votes
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Writing a screenplay versus a short story

I've been writing short stories throughout my life, in a humorous style. Yet, these stories lack a literary quality, and the prose is rather plain. I'm debating whether to start writing screenplays ...
Eggman's user avatar
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Is it acceptable for a published short story to serve later as the prologue of a novel?

If I was to publish an original short story to get feedback for a concept and characters, would publishers find it distasteful if I then wanted to include the same text later as the prologue part of a ...
dhinson919's user avatar
2 votes
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Moving story forward via conversation in first person

Background I wrote a few paragraphs of a story, again as an assignment a little while ago, but now I plan on completing it. But there is a problem while I am writing. Unlike other short stories that ...
Momobear's user avatar
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2 answers

Stuck with writer's block; how can my young protagonist overcome depression due to sudden loss of sight? [closed]

I'm writing a short story in which my protagonist is a little boy. An unexpected event happens and makes his life upside down which is blindness. This latter causes him depression and now I don't know ...
Nour Fourti's user avatar
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4 answers

Asking about chapter's length

Is it okay if a short story's chapter's length is 450 words? If so, could you also have a chapter with 1000 or more words in the same story?
Nour Fourti's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

How can I expand my story to meet a minimum word count? [closed]

I'm writing a sinister story for school and it has to be 500-1000 words. But I only have 414 words and I don't know what else to add. This is how it looks so far. How can I expand this to meet the 500-...
Kaireen's user avatar
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How to switch between characters in a first person story?

I know you can switch between the 3rd and 1st and vice versa but how from one character to another both using the 1st person. I know chapter breaks would help but I only want to make a small story (1....
user716881's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Not sure how to continue my story [closed]

I'm writing a story (I think a bit long to post here, but I could if someone would like), which is a metaphor for depression. In the story (from a 3rd person past-tense POV, if that's helpful), an ...
10GeV's user avatar
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Improving my story opening? [closed]

I'm writing a story about a woman driving cross-country in search of her childhood home. There, she discovers the small town has grown to a suburban sprawl, and she's surprised to find that she can no ...
10GeV's user avatar
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How can I make the premise of e.g. a short story more real?

As far as my motivation in writing goes, I have long been frustrated about historical fiction I’ve read where the main character is basically an American dressed up in a cloak and armor. The Caryatid: ...
Christos Hayward's user avatar
1 vote
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Describing unrelated events in first person viewpoints

How can I describe a scene in a short story with the first-person point of view, when the main character isn't taking part in the action, or even viewing the event?
Nour Fourti's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How can concurrent/dual dialogue be implemented in short story/fiction writing?

I am currently writing a short story that has two intertwined narratives told in inverse chronological order from each other. The two narratives meet/converge at the moment the protagonists receive ...
Brian Hinman's user avatar
3 votes
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How to develop ideas?

I participated in a weekly challenge prompt app and many asked me to continue writing and to make it a book but I can't find a good idea to develop that short story.
Nour Fourti's user avatar
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Publishing of Collection of Short Stories

I have a collection of short stories--48 in total, a word count of 80,000 and 156 pages. Regarding publication, is such a collection likely to be too large? If I were to split it into two collections, ...
Bryan Smith's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

When writing science fiction or horror, how to prevent the villain from becoming less scary as they are fleshed out?

I'm trying to write a horror short story about a shape-shifter, but I have trouble keeping it from sounding like a science fiction story. The story starts out with a creepy tone, with a person close ...
sevensevens's user avatar

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