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How and where can I submit a finished novel?

I wrote a novel. It took me 15 years to write it. How do I submit it to a publishing agent? How do I choose one? Will they be good? Will they take care of everything? When will I see the book in print ...
Eldin Smajlović's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

How do I write a successful book at a young age?

I am 10 years old (almost eleven), and I'm trying to write a novel. I discovered it is a lot harder and stressful than I thought. I'm also scared of people judging it negatively. This seems a lot more ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How propose a story / write / publish for an established universe or franchise? [duplicate]

I would like to know the process of proposing a story or manuscript for an established universe or franchise. Some examples of universes include Star Wars, Star Trek, Horizon, etc. My question is ...
WarriorPoet's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Is it necessary to describe a character's physical appearance in a novel

I am writing a novel and I realized that I did not describe any of my characters, like practically, no reader would be able to place or imagine the character which I feel is not right. That is why I ...
Oyeranti's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Best operating system for the serious writer? [closed]

Windows, Android, macOS or else?
user57108's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Can I take the text of my own already published book (ebook & POD), amend & improve it, add new title and cover pic, and self-publish as a new book?

I have a published (ebook & paperback) novel which was published in 2015 by a UK publishing house. The text was never carefully or properly proofed and there were many printing problems. Net ...
Phil's user avatar
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8 votes
6 answers

170k debut fantasy story. Is it possible?

This has been a very contradictory topic for me. I've been told that publishers expect fantasy books to be that long but others would tell me that 170k is too long. So far I've been cutting things ...
Faith's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Copyright if I continue someone else's work

I am writing a book - continuing someone's book series. They were finished but I'd really like to see the other characters' lives. I need to quote (I wouldn't say really quote but let's call that ...
Emma Edwards's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

Should you publish your book online for feedback?

This is a question I've had in my mind and have been a bit curious about. Let's say I finish writing a novel but before publishing it, I want to get feedback on it. Should I publish it online ...
Fordy's user avatar
  • 105
1 vote
2 answers

Is it acceptable for a published short story to serve later as the prologue of a novel?

If I was to publish an original short story to get feedback for a concept and characters, would publishers find it distasteful if I then wanted to include the same text later as the prologue part of a ...
dhinson919's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Include book cover in query letter to agent?

I'm emailing a few agents about a novel I wrote. Typical query letter, attaching a summary and the first three chapters, as they request. I happen to have commissioned a book cover for the novel, ...
ggambetta's user avatar
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3 votes
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Would it be wiser to debut with your side-project with a smaller publisher, over your main-project with a big publisher?

I've been seeing comments on the tightening window/acceptance for debut authors with planned-series since December 2019, especially now with the economy contracting even more due to Covid19 for the ...
Minerva M.S.'s user avatar
2 votes
6 answers

How long can a Children's Novel be?

I'm currently writing a realism fantasy novel targeted for a 9-12 age group. Since it became so long(the first draft turned out to be at least 90,000 words), I figured it would be best to split the ...
Alexandrang's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Does self-publishing one's eBook online hurt a writer's chances of later selling the same book to a traditional publisher?

Prior to asking this question, I have found and read similar questions posted by other people and I have come away each time deeply dissatisfied and frustrated by the responses given. Here’s an ...
user394536's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

where can I find a place in UAE to publish my story? [closed]

im writing a story but I need help in finding a place to publish it.
aya's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

how to tell if a book will be a bestseller? [closed]

I wrote a novel and it is Science fiction based novel. Almost every close friend of mine read the novel and none of them gave a negative response. What are the possibilities that I need to assume, ...
Niranjan Mahajan's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Do I really need a platform to sell my novel?

Every piece of writer's advice I see will include something about "building a following" online, so that a publisher will be more likely to pick you up. The problem is, I don't have any idea how to do ...
klippy's user avatar
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35 votes
8 answers

Is the first page of a novel really that important?

I am reading in a few blogs like this that the first page of the novel is really important if it has to get published. Is this true? Can a good story not compensate for an ordinary first page. I have ...
The White Cloud's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Can I modify and turn my published short stories into a novel?

I'm writing some short stories that are all connected and are set in the same universe, because I planned to put them together into a novel later. My question is: If I publish those short stories, can ...
Tomas Oier's user avatar
28 votes
8 answers

When do you stop "pushing" a book?

Let's suppose you have finished your novel, through all the appropriate stages of drafting and editing needed. You begin submitting the book to various agents and/or publishing companies, but none of ...
Liquid's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a market for all-ages novels?

Historically, books and movies didn't always have a specific target age. While some material was just for adults, a lot of what we think of now as being for kids or teens had a more general market. ...
Cyn's user avatar
  • 32.4k
1 vote
1 answer

Can I write and get a book publish if I'm just 12? [duplicate]

I really want to write a book about the problems I've been having with friendships, but I'm not sure I should write this, because, of course I'm going to change everyone's names, even mine, but the ...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Publishing my book [duplicate]

my name is Ash, and I'm 14, I've been writing since I was in sixth grade, well, I mean I've been writing over 500 words since sixth grade. I have written small little books that had no plot whatsoever ...
Ash T.'s user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Publishing a book- Age [duplicate]

I wouldn't really consider myself a great writer, but I enjoy it and if my family reads it, they quite like it as well. I've written 2 books before and love doing so. I wouldn't really ask ''A website'...
Emz MSP's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Writing a novel for a charitable cause for free?

I am an aspiring author who wants to write a novel and have it published. Problem is that I am disabled and receive benefits, so I can't receive royalties because the income stream is unpredictable ...
user9885's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Should I copyright my material before sending to my publisher?

Should I copyright my material before sending to my publisher? Can they steal my content?
Abhishek dot py's user avatar
14 votes
9 answers

How much does style contribute to the overall value of a novel?

I've recently got a crushing critique. The critic pointed out I was obviously unfamiliar with the basic tools of the trade and that my style was non-existent. She insisted that "everybody can invent a ...
Filip's user avatar
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5 votes
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Will a publisher look at a first time writer with a first part of a trilogy not stand alone?

I am writing a novel that I have every intention of writing as part of a trilogy. My question is if a publisher will look at me? I have never been published and the book I have in mind has three parts ...
Profetik One's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Is posting a work in progress novel online considered previously published by big publishers?

I am almost finished up writing my first novel--a fiction-- and I am considering posting it on sites like fictionpress to see if I get any advice and constructive criticism on things to fix. I really ...
Profetik One's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Publishing fiction: when do I start looking for an agent?

I am just about finished with the first draft of a novel I've been working on. I've been writing novels for about ten years and I've self-published a couple, but I'm looking to peek into the world of "...
Marie's user avatar
  • 81
2 votes
1 answer

How do I reconcile the difficulties of writing a roman à clef?

I've just finished reading Saul Bellow's Humboldt's Gift and, in reading the reviews afterwards, discovered that it's a roman à clef (which has been defined as "a novel about real life, overlaid with ...
Chappo Hasn't Forgotten's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Will a publisher create a custom font?

This question is based on this question. It is different, however. While that question deals with the safest way to create a custom font (or have someone else create it), this question assumes you've ...
Thomas Reinstate Monica Myron's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

I want my novel to contain custom fonts - what should I do?

I intend to write an extensive fantasy series. There is a plethora of different languages and cultures in the series, and I've developed language systems and alphabets for some of those cultures, ...
Thomas Reinstate Monica Myron's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

What are specific things (choices, techniques, etc) successful published novel writers do and don't do?

I'm looking for a list of the basics that successful published novel writers actually do. This list would also include specific things which they do not do. For example, I don't believe any ...
raddevus's user avatar
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2 votes
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Will increasing the word count of my novella to make it a novel improve my options for publishing?

I've just finished the first draft of my first novella, and as I'm going through for my second revision, I'm wondering whether or not I should lengthen it to a novel. If my work is good enough to ...
Connor Olsen's user avatar
53 votes
10 answers

I wrote a novel, now what?

I'm new here, so, please, bear with me. I had a look at previous answers to similar questions, but my case is (possibly) a bit different. I am not a professional writer, so I wrote this (long) novel ...
ZioByte's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

Am I Breaking Too Many Rules?

I've finally committed to writing my first novel. I've been listening to things like Writing Excuses which encourages first time writers to finish their works, but I'm definitely writing an old ...
Kirk's user avatar
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2 votes
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How do publishers handle bilingual novels?

I am currently co-writing a novel. It is written one chapter in Greek and one chapter in English. We are planning to translate the whole text in both languages, and when we are finished there will be ...
Cathy T.'s user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

If I have a cover for my novel, when should I let the publisher/agent know?

I've run into an issue with illustrations and cover designs. I have a member of my family who designs covers to the novels I'm writing, and a friend in Alaska that I'd like to have illustrate a ...
Joshua A's user avatar
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Can you make (Negative) references to real people and places in a novel?

I was wondering about how much freedom a writer has to refer to real people and places in a fictional work and in what situations it's best to get permission or avoid it altogether. I do know that ...
MoniqueH's user avatar
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14 votes
9 answers

Is it a bad idea to publish individual chapters of my book idea online for feedback?

I have already typed at least 6-7 chapters of this book I've been focused on, but what I want to ask is, is it wise to post what I have so far online for feedback? Or am I just setting myself up for ...
Nicole B.'s user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Is a novel with 50K words more likely to sell than one with 40K?

I'm asking this because I wrote a novel with 40K words, but somehow I feel it would sell more, or at least be more like a "novel" if I add stuff until it's 50K (I checked on Amazon and most best-...
wyc's user avatar
  • 12.4k
4 votes
2 answers

Use of the Chicago Manual of Style by UK-English writers

I am Australian and have just finished writing a novel. The publisher I will be using is in the USA and uses the Chicago Manual of Style. Because I use UK English, I would prefer to leave my ...
James's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Misleading facts in the About the Author section

In the 'About the Author' section of Cuckoo's calling, it says that Robert Galbraith spent several years in the military etc etc. But now that we all know who Robert Galbraith is...does this not ...
Victor123's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Revising a manuscript and resubmitting to same publisher?

I have 7 publishing houses currently evaluating my manuscript for possible publication. Some houses have already read a few chapters and have requested the entire manuscript, others are basing their ...
Tiffany Diamond's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How long does it take publisher to respond to requested manuscript?

I started sending my synopsis and cover letter out for my first novel about a month ago. In that time, 3 publishing houses responded that they were interested in reading my manuscript, and will get ...
Tiffany Diamond's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Is it good to publish a novel online for free?

I am not after earning money but to spread knowledge about something for free. But if money is neglected, what else can be the disadvantage of publishing it online?
Aishwarya Shiva's user avatar
5 votes
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How would an agent approach a debut piece written by two new authors (co-authors)

This is still all in the realm of the hypothetical, but given that it becomes closer to the reality, I'm very curious... Let's say you have two new, previously unpublished and unrepresented authors ...
Kale's user avatar
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UK laws broken by piracy of novels

I'm preparing some briefing notes on various open licences and I'm looking for some clarification on legal aspects of standard practice in the UK. (If there is a better SE site for this question feel ...
Joe's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

What is the recomended word-count for a fantasy-fiction book?

By recommended I mean what is the standard for it to be not too long and not too short. I know I should write until I am finished but I want to take practicality into account as well. Mainly when the ...
Jose Luis's user avatar
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