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Questions tagged [young-adult]

This tag should be used for questions about writing intended for readers between 12 and 18 years old. (Often abbreviated YA.) For readers ages 8-12 use [middle-grade]. For readers under 8 use [children]. For questions about characters, use [child-characters]. For questions about children or teens who are writers, use [young-author].

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6 votes
9 answers

I’m feeling overwhelmed about writing a novel, can anyone help?

I’ve always wanted to write a book. I’ve finally gained enough courage to attempt to write a small novel, 100-150 pages. I’m 13, which I’ve learned is a small problem. I hate to say it, but I’m just ...
Liz's user avatar
  • 69
-1 votes
2 answers

I'm trying to find enough sensory description for my book

How do I describe when a person falls unconscious with enough sensory details?
Rex's user avatar
  • 1
2 votes
3 answers

How much is too much for an upper middle grade book? (TW suicide mention)

One of my main characters is named Lucas. Lucas can turn into a cat. He struggles with controlling this power. He’s also from the bad side of town; his parents are neglectful and eventually disappear ...
Evan's user avatar
  • 21
4 votes
3 answers

Should I start my book with a declaration of undying love between my two protagonists in the very first chapter? [closed]

I know most writers like to save the love for the very end (or at least writers that I've read, let me know if you're familiar with someone who does it my way), but I have a reason why I'm writing it ...
Zohar-El Drakonis-Fleur's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is it economically feasible in the present day to write a book series for an older audience as a series of short novellas?

I want to write my book series as a series of short novellas (about 150 pages each) with each book forming part of the storyline. The majority of books written with comparable lengths are intended for ...
Galactic's user avatar
  • 141
2 votes
4 answers

When writing a YA novel, how necessary is it to include LGBT characters?

I am attempting to write a YA novel, and I keep wondering if it is important these days to include at least one LGBT character. So far, no LGBT character has 'organically' come up in the story, and ...
MRichards's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Explicit language in YA fiction

I'm writing a YA novel where most of the characters are in their teens or early 20's. One of my characters has some "colorful" language in certain situations, (e.g. she twists her ankle, ...
Bridgebot101's user avatar
0 votes
5 answers

Does my book need to have a love triangle in it?

I'm editing my book currently and I have a basis for a love triangle. Should I add one? I feel like it would add another subplot to my story and make it more interesting, but I've never been ...
AnnWithNoE's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

seeking advice - screenwriter looking to write novel

All. I'm looking for some advice. I'm interested in writing a young adult mystery novel, but I don't believe I'm a good writer in the traditional sense. My background is in screenwriting, so my ...
Andy's user avatar
  • 23
2 votes
1 answer

How to Categorize Novel Set in 1930s where people got married at 11+ years

I am writing fiction novel with historical event as backdrop. During 1930s British India people got married at 11+ years old and had full adult responsibilities. My story is a memoir of a fictional ...
Marium's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Wanting to write a gay kiss... for young audiences

I wanted to write a gay kiss at the close end of my third book. I already started their chemistry with each other on the first and more in the second now it's leading up to the kiss. I have a ton of ...
Zhane Staten Reeder's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is it alright for a English YA novel to have anime illustration?

In the beginning, I want write and self publish (or traditionally publish if possible) a original English light novel (OELN). But The more write and the more I study on how to be a professional writer ...
Vincent Yong's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What do you do when you think of two different scenarios that can happen in a certain scene in your story and you don't know which one to choose?

So, this happens to me all the time, and usually, when it does I get mentally frustrated and give up the story for a couple of days. This happens to me quite a lot, so I thought it was high time I did ...
maxscapable's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Are My Novels Middle-Grade or Young Adult? Having Trouble Figuring It Out

I have written and thoroughly reviewed/edited three novels that I don't know if they would be marketed as Middle Grade or Young Adult. I am currently working on a fourth. Okay, the first novel is ...
user avatar
7 votes
7 answers

Using footnotes in fiction: children's book which can be enjoyed by adults

I would like to write a children's story which is appealing to both children and adults. However, the world in which the story takes place requires the use of higher vocabulary and slang (it is a real ...
writersam's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Should I stick with American terminology in my English set young adult book?

I am writing a book that is set in England, but because I would get the book published in America I don't know what terminology to use. My main character is in the equivalent of 7th grade but in ...
McInnis 's user avatar
23 votes
8 answers

Referring to different instances of the same character in time travel

I am writing a story that involves time travel, and I have a chapter where a character from the future interacts with his present-day self. This chapter is written from the present-day self's POV. ...
Tempo Mental's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is my Fantasy YA series idea interesting and unique? [closed]

For a while now I’ve had an idea for a YA series brewing in my mind. The series takes place in an urban setting much like our world now, but each human has the ability to wield an Element ...
maislecakes's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

A flower's head or heart?

I’m currently writing a story and one of my characters is a butterfly. In one of the scenes, she manages to run away from a bunch of hungry lizards and hides into a flower; let’s say a Zinnia. When ...
vanity's user avatar
  • 367
6 votes
2 answers

Who decides how to classify a novel?

Young Adult fiction is distinguished from Adult fiction typically by the age of the protagonist(s) and the subject matter or experiences involved. You can, of course, have adult novels starring ...
PlutoThePlanet's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is there a market for all-ages novels?

Historically, books and movies didn't always have a specific target age. While some material was just for adults, a lot of what we think of now as being for kids or teens had a more general market. ...
Cyn's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

What would you expect from travel story? [closed]

I want to write travel story novel. My plan is to have 4 characters (2 guys and 2 girls), which decided to visit 4 European cities (probably I will choose Frankfurt - Germany, Reykjavík - Iceland, ...
Busspotter Penguin's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

How to choose ideal number of main characters?

As I already mentioned in my previous question, I'm writing a novel with personages both that I created and some already created by others (well, I wrote that when I was younger and now I just ...
Busspotter Penguin's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Crossing the line from Middle-Grade to Young-Adult

I would like to followup on this excellent question which outlined differences among works for children, middle-grade, and young-adult. What are some clear differences in theme/story between children&...
Cyn's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

When writing in a school context without ever having been to school, how do I make sure that my story is accurate within school context?

I read a lot of YA fiction, a lot of which happens to take place in schools. Recently, an idea jumped into my head for a YA-ish story and told me that it was going to take place in a school. The idea ...
Mithical's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to fill novel if you have just some moments prepared?

I read some of my old novels and realized that I often filled them with unnecessary info and pseudojokes so I could quickly rejoin my favourite moments in the planned plot. I found those moments more ...
Busspotter Penguin's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is the average word count for a scene in a chapter?

Does the average scene-word-count lessen for a YA/children's novel and increase for, say, an adult thriller?
Frank Feldman's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Library of Congress filing: answering "intended for children or young adults"

I'm going to submit a request for a Library of Congress Preassigned Control Number (PCN). One of the questions on the form is: Is this title intended for children or young adults? Because of the "...
Andy Giesler's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

How much realism do I put into a war simulation story for Young Adults?

I am writing an action/thriller light novel for YA audience. The story involves characters "playing" in a war-simulation game in an extremely realistic and full immersive Virtual Reality. By "full ...
Kale Slade's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

YA Literature - Violence

I'm working on a trilogy of YA novels that revolve around a group of teenagers (aged 15, though in the made-up world, 16 is adulthood) who set off to rescue someone who has been kidnapped. When they ...
Aimee's user avatar
  • 53
7 votes
3 answers

Is mild sexualization of minors allowed in writing?

Her clothes screamed bohemia, with a prominent cleavage, leather bands running up her arms and nails painted black. In my book there is a romance between two 15-year-olds, and the book is from one of ...
A. Kvåle's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Is there such a thing as using too Many "I's" in a first person novel?

For example, would you say this section of copy has too many "I's" or even "my's"? I woke in a daze. A drug induced daze. I recognized it instantly, the feeling of being disconnected from my ...
Elise Carver's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Can I change tenses in my first person YA novel?

I'm half way through a YA science fiction novel that is told in 1st person, past tense. Currently there are two chapters in different tenses. One is 2nd person, present tense - the p.o.v. of an AI. ...
FalseEpiphany's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Is it possible for "weakness" to be a "virtue" in context?

I'm working on a teen romance. The event is the high school play, the "Sound of Music," in which there are two main contestants for the role of Liesl. They are designated "A" and "B," because those ...
Tom Au's user avatar
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18 votes
6 answers

Why is young adult romance now being written primarily in the first person?

My recollection is that when I started reading romance novels in the 1980s, the majority (perhaps 60%) were written in the third person. This included some "young adult" romances with characters in ...
Tom Au's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Describe illustrated characters?

I'm writing a YA fantasy novel in my free time that I plan to illustrate myself. Most if not all named characters will have their 'picture' presented to the reader as soon as they are introduced. ...
Not A Vampire's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

What are some clear differences in theme/story between children's, middle grade, and young adult fantasy?

At the moment I'm trying to write a fantasy novel, and I think it's leaning more towards middle grade rather than children's or young adult fantasy, but I'd like to know if there are any particular ...
s.anne.w's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

How many pages make a chapter in a chapter book?

I am writing my first chapter books for an older audience around 18+ and I need a little help with knowing when one characters point of view should end and the next begin. Can anyone help me?
Marella's user avatar
  • 29
6 votes
1 answer

Fantasy Series - YA or Adult protagonist?

I plan on writing a fantasy series at some point. Based on what I've read, my automatic assumption was that the protagonist of such a series would be a teenager, probably around the 17-18 year range. ...
Thomas Reinstate Monica Myron's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

How to write a board game scene?

My book is about a girl who is a compulsive gambler, and I'm trying to write a scene where she is playing a board game with an old dude who also has a gambling problem (eventually, she wins). My ...
quinn's user avatar
  • 83
2 votes
3 answers

First person from the point of view of a child

Is it ok to use first person when the one speaking in the narration is a child? I guess it doesn't matter too much when the narration is about things that the child hears from other people or he is ...
rraallvv's user avatar
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20 votes
8 answers

What can I do if I hate my own protagonist?

So I'm writing a fantasy novel, and I have my plot fairly fleshed out, and I have my main players, my world is built, and now I've started to really flesh out my characters more. The only problem is, ...
circepix's user avatar
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1 vote
4 answers

Should I add more detail to my story, or just leave it vague and add it all in later?

I am having a hard time with adding detail, I feel it may leave a good chunk of the story out, but I don't know for sure if I should really add it or not. If I do end up with too much detail, my ...
Aspen the Artist and Author's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Need help titling my book? [closed]

So... I'm writing a book that takes place in an alternate world. In this world, there are a bunch of islands that align with the star sign constellations (Ex: Gemini, Sagittarius, etc.) the island ...
Reeves Matheny's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Why do Popular Fantasy Novels of Today Feature Teenagers?

This could be a misconception of mine, but I've noticed that the popular fantasy novels of today seem to nearly all have main characters who are children or teenagers. I have a list of some off the ...
Thomas Reinstate Monica Myron's user avatar
10 votes
9 answers

How to describe an angry voice in dialogue?

I've been looking for a word to describe this tone of voice for a long time but never came across it. Now let me just spread a pinch of context. It's a first person novel, and our protagonist is very ...
H. Alley's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

How far can insults go in a "Young Adult" novel?

In a Young Adult (>12 y. old) novel, once the obviously bad words (F-word, C-word, N-word, etc.) taken away, how far can rude language go ? For example, can I use insults like : "Go sit on a rusty ...
Babika Babaka's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How do I handle teenage sex in books for teenagers?

I am writing a book, in which the protagonists are two teenagers. They fell in love and it is time they were alone and had sex. As long as the book is destined for teenagers from 15-19, I would like ...
Vassilis De's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

YA novel with old protagonist?

Edit: There have been a few very good answers and comments. The feedback I've got so far has made me question whether I'm even going into the right direction with my story. I felt like the themes and ...
MadMonkey's user avatar
  • 281
0 votes
1 answer

How long does a teen science fiction novel need to be?

How long/how many pages does a teen science fiction novel need to be in order for a publishing agency to take it seriously?
LMo's user avatar
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