How do I display articles I wrote in someone else's name in my portfolio?
Writing an article (or book) in somebody else's name is called "ghostwriting".
Typically ghost writers agree under contract to remain anonymous. If you have no such agreement with your sister, and ...
Is emailing an original idea to oneself using Gmail a foolproof way to timestamp it?
This is the technological equivalent of the old urban legend that you should mail yourself a copy and use the cancellation to prove the date.
This is known as poor man's copyright and it has no legal ...
Online publishing platform
That would be Leanpub. It has the express purpose to publish works in progress, and also provides a store front where readers can buy your book right away and receive free updates as you publish new ...
Online publishing platform
It's not very big but I do recommend Storybird.com. Not only is it an online writing platform but it also is a website where you are able to read your own and other people's stories. You can also buy ...
Format for electronic download sales: letter sized pdf okay?
(SE has a separate section for ebook questions: https://ebooks.stackexchange.com/ )
You cannot sell PDFs on Amazon. You need to make the ebook an epub or .mobi file.
The 6x9 format you speak of is ...
Software for developing a resource
To build on my idea in the comments -- a chatbot framework may be helpful, even if that's not your ultimate goal.
Here's a link to a little about them and how they can be used: https://rebot.me/page/...
Is emailing an original idea to oneself using Gmail a foolproof way to timestamp it?
Email can provide a good enough timestamp for the file, proving that you were (or rather your account was) in possession of it at that time, assuming that you can still log into the account to see ...
Article was not published within agreed time, how do you avoid/handle this situation?
Look in your publishing contract. (In the absence of a contract, the written communication between you and your publisher can serve as an agreement and stand in for a contract.) If the contract (or a ...
Text size on images for pdf ebooks
I would say a font size of 12 for the body text and 14-18 for the title.
You may also check some of the suggestions for the font types at https://creativemarket.com/blog/best-fonts-for-ebooks
The same ...
Do I have to attribute Apache font license when using it for e-book and print book?
First, I strongly discourage you from trying to specify a font for your ebook. Most people can't figure out how to do that, but you sound like you might know how to code it into an epub document or ...
Publication advice on a adult-themed account
If you actually want to make money, I'd suggest trying the traditional route of getting an agent to sell the book to a publisher. It is something to learn how to do, but it doesn't cost you ANY money ...
How do I display articles I wrote in someone else's name in my portfolio?
I recently read an article about creating a writing portfolio which explained your situation perfectly.
It suggested using live links towards the original content to avoid any duplicate content and ...
Where can I post my story, but keep the formatting?
I reccomend you to create a blog and post your story there - you can share the account with your friend so you don't have to work alone -, because you'll lose little to nothing at all about formatting ...
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