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Questions tagged [citations]

Citations are references to published or unpublished sources other than the work one is currently reading. This tag should be used when asking for proper formatting for citations or information about the ethics of citations.

21 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Can ibid. follow op. cit. instead of loc. cit. to convey "exactly as in the op. cit. above"?

It would seem that the more familiar ibid. could be used instead of the more intricate loc. cit. in such a case. For example if we have: 11. Stern, op. cit., p. 58. and the subsequent citation is to ...
Typothalamus's user avatar
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Can I convert a .txt list of references in IEEE format to Harvard format?

I have a long list of references (about 120 of them) in IEEE format. It's just a plain old .txt file. I would like to convert them all at once to Harvard style references. Is there a software or a ...
WholesomeGhost's user avatar
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2 answers

Unsure how to go about referencing/paying homage to a thematically similar text

I'm currently on the fourth draft of my novel and am at the stage at last of getting to go sentence by sentence and approach things on quite a molecular level. My book is a sci-fi reimagining of the ...
Alexander Marshall's user avatar
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Is there a standard style for writing chapter notes in a non-fiction book manuscript?

I am trying to find a standard style for writing chapter notes in a non-academic non-fiction book as per the image below. Is there an online resource where I can find an appropriate style guide for ...
user112705's user avatar
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Citation reference numbers in parentheses or brackets - a case for this

Is there a particular case when footnote or endnote reference numbers are to be placed in brackets or parentheses? Is this done in block quotations to distinguish any reference numbers contained in ...
Typothalamus's user avatar
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Devising system for noting secondary sources in block quotation. New edition of previously published work

Working with a text that makes extensive use of a secondary source that will be given in block quotation and, of course, cited. The secondary source, however, contained many original source citations ...
Typothalamus's user avatar
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Consecutive sentence, same citation: Chicago date-author style

I am writing a paper in which I repeat a newspaper article citation. "The New York Times article discusses the introduction of the AFB mainframe computer (Stevens, 1984). During an interview with ...
DmnkVD's user avatar
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How do I provide an image reference in Chicago style?

In my writing, I have used several images which I have collected from different URLs. For example, I have used this image, which can be found in this online article. How can I use this image in my ...
Mithun Sarker Shuvro's user avatar
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citing whole sections IEEE

I'm writing an engineering proposal, and there are small sections of the report that are entirely quoted or paraphrased from a parent document. Can I add the citation to the heading of that section? ...
Joe Moore's user avatar
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How would I go about citing Twitter's terms of service?

I am trying to have Twitter's terms of service as a source of a paper I'm writing. I have been looking it up for several days and have found no answer. How should I cite Twitter's terms of service?
Kyler Moulton's user avatar
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Figure Annotation and Writing papers

If I had a figure like let's say imaginary figure A. If I were to use this figure, and only needed a segment should I put the whole figure in the academic Research paper or just the section? If so, ...
EnlightenedFunky's user avatar
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How to cite several testimonies from the same House Bill in Apa

We are attempting to cite several testimonies, both parenthetically and on the references page. Any help would be appreciated.
bill simmons's user avatar
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Punctuation of a quote inside parentheses

I was wondering how to properly format a quote inside parentheses in MLA. So far I have mostly used the third option, although the double parentheses seem a bit ugly. example: 1) He directs his ...
dusty's user avatar
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In microsoft word I want to show more information in the citation

I have a citation in a word doc and want to show more information in the reference text on the page. So we have I want to change (Heymann,2020) to "Heymann, D. (2020, May 4). Malaria" I have ...
mishaal c's user avatar
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Is there a format for scholarly writing that allows you to cite "where did I find this citation?"

I know in many fields such as journalism there is usually a notion of "primary, secondary, tertiary sources" in that you can directly cite someone at an event, or cite a citation of them etc....
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar
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Correct order in footnote citation for revised edition and volume details

What comes first in a citation that must include revised edition and volume details? Looking for CMOS guidance on this but haven't found an example that corresponds to my specific case. I've written ...
Typothalamus's user avatar
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How to cite Terms of Use in APA 7?

I'm trying to find out how to cite the Terms of Use of an app (BeReal) - I found this answer to a similar question, but I wasn't sure if this was still accurate to APA 7. I apologize if this has been ...
Leo Strong's user avatar
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What is the contemporary method of announcing large sections of existing publications?

I am building out an article published in 1896, wrapping a whole novel series around it. I will be switching back and forth between said article and my additions, with Article: Pt. 1, Novel dialogue, ...
Vogon Poet's user avatar
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Bibliography format with multiple citations from same book? (APA)

I'm writing a paper where I've included multiple citations from a book, each citation is not a direct quote from the text but rather a in-text citation so according to APA guidelines these citations ...
stigma's user avatar
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APA In text citations, with the same first author and one other author with the same surname

This seems to be a bit of a corner case. I have two articles, with the same first author, B. G. Cook. The first article has a second author, S. C. Cook. The other article has two other authors (G. J. ...
damned truths's user avatar
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When you write a sentence using information from one source, and knowledge that you have, do you need to include where that information came from?

I am writing a historical paper about Operation Mincemeat for National History Day. I have never written anything in this format before, so I am confused. Also, citing sources incorrectly can get you ...
Kathryn Huang's user avatar