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rolfedh's user avatar
rolfedh's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
13 votes

How can I know that I'm not plagiarizing?

7 votes

Is the often used black and white symbolism inherently racist?

7 votes

Should my character speak like an layman or a Latin teacher?

7 votes

Is the often used black and white symbolism inherently racist?

6 votes

What to do with a story fragment?

6 votes

How do I write about nerdy concepts without sounding like a tryhard?

5 votes

Is the Concept of "Machine of Death" Copyrighted?

5 votes

How many errata are too many?

4 votes

Is it hard for a foreigner to publish in English?

4 votes

Is translating into another language plagiarism?

4 votes

How to start writing short stories?

4 votes

Section headings: "to check..." vs. "checking"

3 votes

Is the often used black and white symbolism inherently racist?

3 votes

Quoting another poem in your own

3 votes

Engineer who wants to improve their writing from scratch

3 votes

Protecting your idea when working with another author

3 votes

How do I start to document an API that uses C#?

3 votes

Can anyone think of books that contain two separate stories or two very different perspectives on the same story being told together?

3 votes

Will changing a protagonist into an antagonist alienate readers?

2 votes

How do I index an author who published with and without middle initial?

2 votes

Photos in Screenplays

2 votes

What does an internship for freelance writing entail?

2 votes

Breaking Into Technical Writing - Where to Start (from a programming background)

2 votes

Is it fine to write something that has no relation to my local life or language or culture?

2 votes

Translation rights acquisition: what fees will there be and how much will they be?

2 votes

Should I read fantasy novels for a better mindset on the topic?

2 votes

How to give written advice in a way that is encouraging, not overbearing

2 votes

Do you indent a text message at the beginning of a chapter?

2 votes

I want to write a gay sex scene. The characters are both virgins and I don't know how to do it without looking like a fool. Any advice?

2 votes

Past or present tense when describing a well-known method in the description of an experiment?