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Questions tagged [structure]

For questions about the connections between and ordering of elements within a written work.

16 questions from the last 365 days
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2 answers

A foreword, but in the middle of the story

I'm writing a story that is a fiction within a fiction, presented as a written story compiled from oral sources by a fictional character who was a main character in a previous book. Within this story, ...
Monty Wild's user avatar
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2 answers

Formatting my writing

I'm having trouble keeping tense or even knowing which one to stick to. Both seem to work but I'm not sure which sounds better or flows more. Also, I think too much about how to structure dialogue. If ...
googler's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What is the purposes of a novel scene? [closed]

I wonder if it’s the way I’m phrasing it, but struggling to find an answer. What are the purpose/purposes of a scene? Or maybe job is a better way of describing it? For example, scenes should reveal ...
hopelessatthis's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Design vs Emergence

In certain works of writing, we see, when having analyzed the structure of its content, a well-crafted design, often with repetition of elements, at times with variation of the order of subelements, ...
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Content Patterns

In a small book I read on rhetoric, the author instructs readers to learn rhetorical forms, which seem in my understanding patterns of content. One example of such a pattern, which is given in the ...
user avatar
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2 answers

How to efficiently mislead readers and catch them by surprise

I am working on a murder mystery and want to mislead my readers and create a false sense of security for them as to who the murderer is, but I have absolutely no idea how to start.
Ashton's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

What's the difference between short stories and novels with plot?

I am asking this question as someone who has read many short stories and novels, so in theory, I should know the difference between the two. However, I have found it difficult to write short stories/...
AnnWithNoE's user avatar
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2 answers

Difficulty describing a complex image in a single sentence

I am having difficulty explaining that the sun evaporated the fog that had brushed up against the blooming hills. When I add "with spectacular wildflower blooms", it sounds as if the sun ...
Silver12748's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What is the difference between the points in a three-act structure

I've recently come across the three-act structure, and it seems pretty helpful. My only confusion is that a few of the points in each act look fairly similar. Here is the version of the three-act ...
BubbleQueen's user avatar
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2 answers

How to Structure a Series of Books? Can the Hero's Journey be Used?

I'm working on a franchise universe that will form the base for a wide range of interconnected stories told via different media. I plan to loosely base each separate storyline on the concept of the ...
Marcus C.'s user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How can I tell if tension is a problem while writing?

I’ve recently started plotting out the first of many stories I have kicking around in my brain that I’d like to publish. It’s a fairly short one, and I have written stories before, but I’ve never ...
Autopsy Blue's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

How to make a story not just constant action?

How do I write it so that the MC isn’t just facing conflict after conflict, but make it not seem like filler. I get that there needs to be SOMETHING going on, but at the same time they can’t just be ...
Laura's user avatar
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0 answers

What's the format of a P.E.E.E.R. paragraph?

I know most of the parts of a P.E.E.E.R. paragraph, but I'm not sure what one of the Es are, and I'm not sure how they fit together. P is for Point, one E is for Evidence, another is for Explain. An ...
DaemonsMercy's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

A Question on 'Topical Progression': How to Address Internal Inconsistencies in the Framework

(This question has been moved from English Language Stack Exchange on account of relevancy.) In my mission to improve my writing, I have come across a concept called 'topical progression' (discussed ...
MJ Ada's user avatar
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1 answer

How should I begin writing a story for a comic strip? [closed]

I would like to draw a comic strip, but I need a story. I would prefer a realistic one (historic or not). I was wondering if you have any advice for how to approach the writing of a story for comic ...
TexDuinoCpp's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I turn my Imagined-Daydream-Fantasy-Book into an Actual Book

Problem I love writing and I love reading. I also love coming up with all sorts of books/films in my head so that if I'm bored in real life, I can just dive into my imaginary book/films to entertain ...
BubbleQueen's user avatar