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3 votes

Are there custom placeholders in Ulysses app?

Ulysses does not support placeholders directly and there are no simple shortcuts that would create a placeholder. You would have to use your own implementation. For things to keep track of when ...
Secespitus's user avatar
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2 votes

How to do a global find and replace in Ulysses

You can't use the global search for a global "search and replace" As this deleted answer states you can find the official documentation here. It doesn't mention this function, only the "Search for ...
Secespitus's user avatar
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1 vote

How to do a global find and replace in Ulysses

The answer turns out to be pretty simple and very much in line with the way that Ulysses works: It is true that there's no global search and replace, but that's misleading. Simply select the root ...
RJStanford's user avatar
1 vote

Make Emacs (or vim etc) like Ulysses

I don't know much about Ulysses, so I hope my answer will be germane. 1) Have you tried folding text with vim? There are various ways to do this. Type :help folds. I use triple brackets around the ...
Bob Barber's user avatar

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