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Trademarked Name Use in Novel

Can I have a character's name be the same as the one in a popular children's book? For example, the kids in a neighborhood think an old man is hiding something. This has been going on for years and ...
Kristy Clarke's user avatar
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Can I use a song lyric as the title of my theatre production?

I'm starting a theatre company and one of the ideas I have thought of for a production is an ongoing series of monologue/scratch evenings. I want to have the premise of each night to latch onto the ...
Izaak's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Can I use more specific monsters and creatures legally?

To be specific, metallic or chromatic dragons for an example. I know mindflayers and beholders and such are way off the list. But is the concept of dragons in distinct categories like this too similar ...
Bruce Karn's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Are you allowed to use sci-fi terms you get from the internet?

I’m working on a sci-fi project for a major franchise and it focuses heavily on sci-fi tech terms and science concepts and terms. Lots of the terms I invented but some I found on Internet forums like ...
Max's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

Can a story have a monster called the "Venomancer"?

The name "Venomancer" is taken from the Defense of the Ancients series of video games, where it is a monster capable of poisoning targets. Now I am asking: can a fantasy story have a monster ...
user avatar
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A location for a big event

My novel I am writing has a Queensland, Australia castle in it, Paronella Park. I did research and I’m using facts, except my characters paid extra to stay inside the castle (which I understand that’...
Christina Fanelli's user avatar
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Character name trademarks and copyrights [duplicate]

I've had some characters for a while for a comic I'm wanting to write, and until now I never thought about name copyright and trademarks. After looking it up, quite a few of my characters have the ...
NeoPolitan 's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Are fictional town names trademarks or protected intellectual property of their author?

If a town name in a popular fictional work is widely associated with a particular fictional work, can the name be freely used as a name for a new nonprofit organization even if the nonprofit is ...
Charles's user avatar
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2 votes
7 answers

Writing a novel that is set (semi-)inside an established universe

How free are we to write a story that is set inside another universe, that doesn’t necessarily mention anyone or anything specifically about said universe? For example, let’s say that I want to write ...
Tetris Boy's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is it copyright infringement to Disney if I were to name my online company BuzzLightYear? [closed]

I want to use the name BuzzLightYear (one word) as a business name. What are the laws on character copyright infringement for just using the name of a Disney character? And in this case a slightly ...
watchamacolin's user avatar
3 votes
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How to protect my idea/design to re-publish a public domain book?

I found a public domain book that has never been re-published and I wanted to include illustrations with the book. If I submit manuscripts to publishers, how can I protect my idea? What if they just ...
Syp-writer's user avatar
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Can I use the real name of TV shows in my novel? [duplicate]

My main characters are famous. Can I use the actual name of entertainment TV shows, such as 'Entertainment Tonight' in my fictional novel?
saints50's user avatar
4 votes
7 answers

Can I legally use these song lyrics as book/chapter names?

This topic has been discussed--but please advise me on this particular test case. The title of the fiction novel is "Shorter of Breath" -- a reference to a lyric in Pink Floyd's "Time." Chapter ...
user1799848's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Use Moscow Metro in a book

I'm publishing a short book about a trip to Moscow that I made. Is it OK for me to mention the Moscow Metro and specific stations? Also I've described walking through it in the following way. Might ...
Ian Warburton's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Use of Registered trademark

I'm writing a book on Windows and I need some guidelines. On the cover of the book, as part of the subtitle, may I include Windows® in it? Inside the book, do I have to use the ® every single little ...
Joshua's user avatar
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Copyrighted Names

I'm very confused in regards of copyrighted names, some say you can copy right names, and then I read that you can only trademark names and copyright them ONLY if the book/movie is named after them, ...
IamVeryCuriousIndeed's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Can a plagiarist sue one who plagiarized them?

I sometimes write rather vicious satirical pieces that heavily reference (arguably - but possibly beyond the point of plagiarism; definitely the same setting, the same characters, strong references to ...
SF.'s user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Referencing, but not using, trademarked characters

Obviously, you're not allowed to use trademarked characters like Superman or Batman in your published works. If I wrote a novel about Superman fighting Lex Luthor, I could get sued. But what about ...
Nerrolken's user avatar
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