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Questions tagged [fan-fiction]

This tag should be used for questions about the craft of writing fan fiction or related writing topics, such as questions about copyrights. Fan fiction is characterised as new works that are being created by fans taking characters or the general setting of an existing work of fiction as the basis.

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1 answer

Is it legal or illegal to print your fanfiction story into a physical book even if it's just for yourself only and not for profit?

I keep hearing all sorts of answers online about printing your fanfiction story into a physical book. Either it's okay or not okay to do as it is illegal and can break copyright. I can accept that it ...
Beth's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How does one write a horror fight scene where a person has to fight someone that is way stronger bigger and tougher than them [closed]

So I'm trying to write some fight scenes for fanfics I'm working on revamping and I've decided,"Ya know, I should just ask the big experts rather than just random discord friends." So that's ...
Rising writer's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Would it be "wrong" to rewrite a fanfiction as a writing exercise?

I've been reading a fanfiction lately that honestly has a good plot, though the writing is subpar—grammar and punctuation errors, lack of descriptive detail, bad formatting, etc. I've been thinking ...
cadence13's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

I want to write a story and I've promised some people I would make the main character have bipolar but I know absolutley nothing about having bipolar

Okay, so I really just need someone with bipolar maybe what they feel when they have an episode? I have no idea what I'm doing and I just want to be respectful to those with it and also try and make ...
Georgia's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Will I be sued if I write about something that bears superficial resemblance to a real-world disaster, even when I add a disclaimer?

I am writing a story (actually a fanfiction) which I am serializing on Archive of Our Own, a popular site for that type of written works. Actually I planned out the entire plot for that story since ...
Purgatorio Chunagon's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Creating an electronics datasheet

I write "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH" fan fiction as a side hobby, and part of the style is that, apart from the sentient rats, everything is/feels realistic. What I want to do is ...
qwerty keyboard's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to keep an original fiction from becoming fan fiction with world-hopping?

I've got an original fiction I'm writing with the concept of a multiverse where every story written or drawn in one version of modern earth generates attached universes. Everything from anime to ...
Scott Fellman's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do you make a normally terrifying premise into something funny?

I came up with an idea for a Club Penguin fanfic, which is supposed to be a sort of dark comedy where sometimes puffles attack and/or kill penguins because they are animals. Obviously, getting ...
Coolgamer2000s's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What if I have a story with some characters from another story by a different author and don't want to be copyrighted?

I am writing a story with some of Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson characters in it like, Percy, Annabeth, Grover,Leo, Hazel, Piper, Jason, and much more other characters in his story. I wanted to make a &...
Kancee Likes's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

I am writing a slasher story with a vigilante killer, do you believe that a person/character can deserve to be a victim? [closed]

In the stories that I am writing, which are my loud house "Lomond" horror fanfics, there are lots of victims who are very bad/evil people, this makes me wonder this: do you believe that a ...
Coolgamer2000s's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Can there be fan fiction of a public domain universe?

Fan fiction generally occupies a gray area of the law - widely tolerated under "fair use" for noncommercial sharing, publication, and performance, but almost never acceptable for profiting ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can fan fiction be licensed under a free license that permits commercial use?

Most fan fiction are not freely licensed, but can a fan fiction/story be licensed under a free license, e.g. a CC BY license (or other Creative Commons license that allows commercial use)? Does this ...
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3 votes
3 answers

How do you write an action and science fiction story without having it be overtaken by the romantic plot tumour?

The romantic plot tumour is a trope where a show or series or story has a bit of romance in it. However it soon becomes the main focus of the show and this sidelines the original premise of said story....
ColonizeroftheSun's user avatar
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4 answers

How can I review fanfiction without knowing the original?

I'm doing a writing circle with friends where I had to review a fan fiction. I was far from the ideal reviewer for it because I didn't play the game it was based on, only a few hours of a later one in ...
Laurel's user avatar
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1 answer

In a canon divergent fanfiction should tertiary characters be OC or canon?

I am thinking of writing an X-Men fanfiction, but I believe my query could apply to fanfiction set in any long running work with a large number of characters. My fanfiction will concentrate on the New ...
New Anon's user avatar
-2 votes
6 answers

Can I publish a book set in the Harry Potter universe?

I know similar questions have been asked. But also, consider that I want to publish a book in countries other than the US or UK.
Nikolai Frolov's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

How do I make a love story, that isn't cliche but different from others? [duplicate]

Okay, so I just wanted to know what is the less cliche way of making a romantic fanfiction. I know this question is short, but I just want to know.
Laura's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What is Considered Transformative Use in Fiction Writing?

I have been reading some material about E.L. James and her Fifty Shades of Grey series. It seems she originally wrote this novel as fan-fiction, and how she decided later in life to make it an ...
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2 answers

Does receiving donations to give earlier access to chapters in a fan fiction count as copyright infringement?

Well long story short I have been writing a fan fiction for a while (The fan fiction takes place in the 'please don't tell my parents i'm a supervillain' universe) and some of my readers asked how ...
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
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1 answer

How to write as a Neko Character [closed]

So my character is a Neko, which is half human and half cat, and I use her a lot in fighting scenes and I was wondering if anyone really knows how one could write that out, I assume that the fighting ...
Lillian Barnes's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Is 7000 words too long for a chapter? [duplicate]

I've been working on a story for the last 4 years. It's just a personal project now and I've gone really in depth to clean up any plot holes I can readily see (thanks Cinemasins). I think I love this ...
Emily's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

When an imagined world resembles or has similarities with a famous world

Arguably this might belong in, but the question has to do with a fiction story and its relation to other fiction in the real world. I have a plot which involves an ...
Stewart's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How can I make an eldritch abomination out of humanity? [closed]

The fanfic I'm writing is so that I may get into the swing of literature. A test story if you might like in the Mass Effect Universe. Please prepare for a long text because there's a lot of trivia ...
Alberto Lazo-Morejon's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I write a scene with Lord Vetinari? [closed]

I'm writing a fanfiction set on Discworld and I've encountered a scene with Lord Vetinari. Lord Vetinari has been told the main characters are a very powerful species that can do almost anything(Star ...
Just'Existing's user avatar
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2 answers

How to stay excited when writing about the necessary?

I practice my writing skills by writing fan fiction. It's a great medium: no deadlines or word goals, and you get free feedback. The only problem is that as fan fiction, there are certain things you ...
Thomas Reinstate Monica Myron's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to turn an Alternate Universe into an original story?

So, I have an Alternate Universe (I'll call it an AU from here on out.) of one of my favorite shows, called RWBY (link to wiki: It takes the premise of the show, ...
Kale Slade's user avatar
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12 votes
9 answers

Can fanfics be bestsellers? [closed]

Fanfiction is somewhat of an uncharted territory, which few actual writers/critics take serious note of or are very enthusiastic about. It has been long asked and established whether publishing ...
Soha Farhin Pine's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Proper handling of "sophisticated" English usage

Good day everyone! I am currently writing my first fan-fiction. Here are some basic traits of one of my characters. He usually talks in normal English with a small infusion of 'moi' and 'thou/thee'....
Vadzim Savenok's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

How to avoid info dumps in fan fiction?

I was wondering what kind of advice do you have to avoid info dumps in fan fiction? Granted this can usually be avoided in fan fiction by sticking to what is known. But when you work with au's or ...
meg_carroll's user avatar
19 votes
11 answers

How to avoid writing irritating fan fictions?

I have recently started writing a fanfiction and I am posting it online as I write it. However, I often see in comments sayings 'This fanfiction gave me cancer','The writer of this crap should just ...
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

How do I write an apology scene? [closed]

I need to write a scene where someone apologizes to a girl for physically hurting her. But I’m confused on how to start it. They are in school, and the boy makes time to talk to her. And it is in the ...
Alison Smith's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

How do I write a deep conversation scene? [closed]

So two brothers are having a conversation about one wanting not to be a vampire anymore, and asks him if there is a way he can change to human. How do I make the conversation interesting and wanting ...
Alison Smith's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Is it okay to publish a fan-fiction book from a TV series?

I'm 13 years old and I'm writing a story called 'Destiny'. This book is a fanfiction of the TV-Show "Merlin" (the TV series 2008) and I've added a character into it. There currently is no book of ...
Quotev Frosty's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Could I use the brand name 'Imodium' as a title for a short story?

Good afternoon. Could I use the brand name 'Imodium' as a title for my short story?
nettie firman's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Is fan fiction publishable?

This is a question that has been touched on here and there, and yet I can't find a good answer. Suppose I am writing a story set in the Star Wars universe. I don't want to dodge copyrights and ...
Alexander's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How do I calculate how many copies I am planning to print?

I wrote a fan-fiction story and had emailed a company to get a license from them so I could publish it. (The license would cover copyright stuff, etc.) However, the person in charge of licensing ...
Ashley Wengerd's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Is it possible for an aggressive character to become sensitive?

So I'm writing a story, a fanfiction to be specific, and a main character is an aggressive, emotionless, constantly angry man, who swears a lot and doesn't care much about anything. I want him to ...
May's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

re-writing a paragraph to make it more appealing [closed]

How best can I re-write this paragraph to make it more family friendly? There had been a time, barely a month or two ago, when he had sat his face to the storm and grinned with glee as the wind and ...
paul robison's user avatar
20 votes
9 answers

I have 97 pages in my book draft. Is it too late to swap to third person from first?

I've been writing a One Piece fan fiction to improve my writing. I foolishly decided to write it in first person and now I kinda want to change it to third person - but I'm already 97 pages into the ...
Seann Powell's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Are there drawbacks to having previous fan fictions written before being published?

I am not a published author, though I am nearing that stage. This is because I decided many years ago to learn all I could about writing, and hone my skill with practice, before actually writing my ...
Thomas Reinstate Monica Myron's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Unofficial Fan Fictions - How can I Secure Them?

For a long time now, I have been writing fan fictions based off of the storyline of a board game. I have posted these fan fictions on a website dedicated to the same board game. I am not the only ...
Thomas Reinstate Monica Myron's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

How does one get Fanfiction "Published"?

When the final chapter of "The Legend of the Sword of the Day and the Sword of the Night" was translated to English I kept hearing on the chatroom where it was posted that we had best read it now ...
Memor-X's user avatar
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Can a plagiarist sue one who plagiarized them?

I sometimes write rather vicious satirical pieces that heavily reference (arguably - but possibly beyond the point of plagiarism; definitely the same setting, the same characters, strong references to ...
SF.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Fan works... are they allowed?

I've been - quite passionately - writing a lot of Pokémon fan-fiction. However, in contrast to Fan Fiction: a crutch or a good start?, I've been using it to build an entire world extending from canon. ...
Niet the Dark Absol's user avatar
4 votes
7 answers

How can I get myself writing again?

I have authored a particular fanfiction, which has garnered a moderate following on the fanfiction website I published it to. As of now, the story has 279 users following it for updates, as well as 45 ...
Brian S's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Rights over a fanfic character not in the original work?

I realize fan fiction and rights is a stupid question because you are picking up from where a creator has already traveled. But what about a fictional character I create while writing fan fiction? ...
Kuchiki Byakuya's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Using ideas from other authors without infringing copyright

My girlfriend and I want to write a story about science fiction. I'm a fan of Star Wars, and many of the ideas in this universe are fantastic, but I do not want to plagiarize anyone. Is there any way ...
Diego Hillesheim's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Method for handling non-canonical fantasy fiction

I started writing a short story that involved demonic possession. The nature of the possession is symbolic. The story is an allegory. When I shared the initial draft among some friends, I had feedback ...
Kit Z. Fox's user avatar
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Can a mock-magazine with fictitious content count legally as fan fiction?

I contribute to a small website, well, one that's got Photoshop of various things. - it's a small obscure site with only a few users. Recently I've been learning InDesign and Quark Xpress for digital ...
avenas8808's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

How to continue someone else's story gracefully, with fan-fiction?

I've been juggling some ideas for NaNoWriMo and one of them is a Doctor Who story. Now I've not read a great deal of fan fiction but I've never read any that I'd say that compares to the original, and ...
ProseFerret's user avatar