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6 votes
7 answers

Creating and keeping track of characters

I admit to finding this an insurmountable task. My novel has dozens of characters. My first problem wasn't keeping track of them, but creating them. Modern Day: My 20th century characters were ...
Cyn's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

What software can I use to synchronize corrections and modifications over similar documents?

I'm currently working on a large thesis, from which I derive some smaller publications such as papers. The work is in parallel. Often it happens that I copy some paragraphs from the thesis into a ...
Michael's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Tools for organising anthologies

I'm looking for software or markup/markdown based tools for organising anthologies selected from a large number of short pieces of writing. In this case it's poems, but the content of the individual ...
Bob says reinstate Monica's user avatar
5 votes
6 answers

Are there tools/software for planning your story using nested mindmaps and references to characters?

I've been looking for a certain piece of software for a long time, but I never quite found something that matches what I need. I'm a very visually oriented guy, the best way for me to keep track of ...
user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Searching for character relation map software

I've started working on a project and wanted to keep all my characters and their relationships well organised. I'm already using TiddlyWiki to archive all the ideas about the world and its ...
Birkl's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

How can a writer efficiently manage many text snippets?

I have a large amount (a couple thousand) of rather small text files with short notes or stories. I use them to generate ideas on topics I'm writing about. My problem is that these are just text files ...
tony994's user avatar
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5 votes
8 answers

Database for Characters?

I have been on the search (passively, that is) for some sort of database type tool to put characters in. I would want/need the basic stuff (height, birthdate, skin color, hair color, etc.) but I would ...
HelloBeautifulChild's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Writing many entries/articles, storing them, and browsing them

I'm looking for software that will permit me to write articles of various sizes, with a title and tags for each article. The program should store the content, and then allow me to browse (whether from ...
user2300440's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Alternative to mindmap software

I would like some alternatives to using a mindmap to organize my thoughts while writing. Mindmapping is good, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't preserve the sequence/order, therefore it makes things ...
drhanlau's user avatar
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25 votes
7 answers

How can one effectively organize scenes and snippets?

I tend to write bits of stories out of order. If I have a great idea for a scene, I want to get it down it while I have it, even if it doesn't come until three chapters later than the part I'm on ...
HedgeMage's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Can someone explain set pieces?

I was using a book in a writing group that talked about set pieces, but I never really got a clear idea of what it is or how they're supposed to appear in writing. My impression was that you have a ...
foggyone's user avatar
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