I've been looking for a certain piece of software for a long time, but I never quite found something that matches what I need. I'm a very visually oriented guy, the best way for me to keep track of something is to see it in front of me like a mindmap. A big must for me is the ability to nest mindmaps within nodes of other mindmaps.
The closest software I found that meets my demands is articy:draft, however, it has a major flaw for me that makes it unusable: no search and replace function. Not to mention, it doesn't allow you to reference characters in text. What I want is to be able to create a character and just put a reference to that character in the text, so that in the event that I want to change my character's name, it is automatically updated in the text as well.
What I'm looking for is a software that allows you to:
- create mindmaps with mindmaps in them.
- create characters once and reference them in your text.
I have a lot, and I really mean A LOT, of notes for a story, which are very disparate in content, quality and many more things. I'm trying to bring them all together, and having such a software would be a godsend. Does anyone know a tool like that?
Bonus points if it has a functionality like this as well, though it's not as important to me:
It would be useful if you could reference other things about a character as well, which may change later. One of your character was in the military for four years, but you change your mind and make it ten years instead? No problem, just change it in the character profile and all references to the length of the military service for this particular character are automatically updated, no need to manually look and replace that detail.