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How much should I pay the copyright holder for the right to translate a book and sell copies?

Suppose I'm a local publisher. If I want to translate a book, print it and sell translated copies, how much should I propose to pay to the copyright holder? Is there some acceptable percentage of book ...
Yola's user avatar
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As an author, how can you ensure that your agent/publisher isn’t ripping you off by pocketing your money and giving you false info about sales?

Agents typically demand that authors sign over complete control of their royalties to them so that their money comes from the agent rather than from the publisher directly. I know a certain author ...
user394536's user avatar
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How Much $ For Advances?

My friend and I are writing a fly fishing book about the renowned and unknown rivers in Oregon. There is a decent audience from this book and we have had two publishers say they might be interested ...
Trout Candy Films's user avatar