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4 answers

Logical flaws with 1st person pov

Quick disclaimer: Sorry, if my phrasing is not accurate, English is not my first language (and the stories I write are not in English). I am currently writing a short story that is giving me headaches ...
Barbaud Julien's user avatar
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3 answers

Can my narrator's thoughts be in the same paragraph as another character's dialogue?

I'm writing a scene where my narrator (character A) is listening and reacting internally to character B, who is giving a long-winded explanation of something. Though is is a problem I run into ...
Meg's user avatar
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2 answers

Third person narrator turns out to be a character

Background: I'm writing a fan fiction story to a Harry Poter-like novel about a group of 3 close friends. The novel has the simple third person limited narrator, with POV generally following the ...
mcpiroman's user avatar
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Do dual narratives have to alternate every chapter?

I’m contemplating writing a dual narrative, because after much thought and research, I think it’s the most interesting/effective way to tell my story. All the dual narratives I’ve seen alternate ...
greylark's user avatar
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Does third person deep POV inside an epistolary novel detract from the suspense?

My novel is an epistolary à la Bram Stoker's Dracula and there are some scenes that simply have no one around to record. Modern epistolary stories, such as the trend of “found footage” movies like ...
Vogon Poet's user avatar
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Do I need an overall narrator for a collection of 1st person linked stories which may be a novel. If so, who would the narrator be?

I am writing a collection of short stories. Each short story is written in 1st person present tense from that particular protagonist’s POV, telling us his/her own story through their actions and ...
DJane's user avatar
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4 answers

Multiple First Person Narrators: how should I differentiate?

I am writing a novel (it will eventually be a series of five novels) and there are multiple first-person narrators. Each chapter starts of with the character's name in parentheses after the chapter ...
user88888's user avatar
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2 answers

How much uncertainity will the 'general (Non-YA) fantasy reader' tolerate?

In my current project my goal is to go for the following narrative style within scenes: Show only what the POV-Char can see, hear,... sense. Show their emotional reaction (through body-feelings, ...
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12 votes
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Is it bad style if the personal first person narrator of a story dies during said story?

Right now I'm writing a novel in which I use the changing perspectives of two main characters with limited information each to slowly unveil the whole plot to the reader. Both use the past tense and ...
DLCom's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

1st person addressing a narrator

I'm writing a story in first person, but with a third person narrator for the secondary character. I was wondering if there were any books or stories to research how the first person character could ...
Jack Woods's user avatar
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2 answers

In third-person limited POV, what can be described?

In 3rd person limited, when the protagonist is present in a scene, can the narrator describe something in a scene that the protagonist cannot see?
Bob516's user avatar
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Can a third-person narrator ask questions instead of the characters?

In novels, when the PoV follows a particular character, is pretty common that we get to hear his/her thoughts. Sometimes, those thoughts take the form of questions that the character ask himself: ...
Liquid's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Naming things the POV character doesn't know

My middle-grade novel is third person with one primary and one secondary viewpoint character. Sometimes the narrator hovers a bit more, sometimes the narrator is more in the character's head. The ...
Cyn's user avatar
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How do we properly manage the state of transition between unknown and known?

I often have a passage that sounds like this. I don't know why, but I always found these passages a bit odd sounding. A stranger was lying, face into the sands, belly down, on the beach all alone....
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3 answers

How to describe a horse from the POV of someone who has never seen one? [closed]

In my story, my narrator has only recently met other humans and the biggest creature she has ever interacted with are dogs. In the survivors' camp, she encounters their horses and is pretty freaked ...
user avatar
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4 answers

Point of view, narrative voice, and when to name a character in narration

Let's say you have a scene with Maria, written in third person from Maria's point of view. Then you have a scene with Akash, written in third person from Akash's point of view - and suppose they do ...
writersam's user avatar
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2 answers

Changing narrators

Is it ever a good idea to change narrators in a short story? In one of my short stories, the narration starts in third person 'eye of god' mode. Then it moves to each character - there are only two ...
Javeer Baker's user avatar
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