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8 votes
2 answers

Poetry when unstructured?

Like most kids, I went through the All Poetry Must Rhyme phase. Then a little later in school, rhyme was less essential (especially in English, a less rhyme-compatible language than many other ...
April  Salutes Monica C.'s user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

What is a ballad?

I've always wanted to write poetry, and I tried my hand at a ballad today. However, I know very little about the technicalities of poetry, and the explanations of iambic meter and structure of the ...
asputh's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Do publishers prefer a particular type of poem?

I've always particularly liked poems with very fixed structure (e.g. a Villanelle or Sestina), both to read and to write. However nowadays, I've noticed a remarkable number of poems I come across ...
Benubird's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Which sentence is correct? How is variety created in these sections (of a song)? or How is variety created between these sections (of a song)?

When describing the variety or contrast evident in a song we can compare the song sections. Variety adds interest to the song. We ask how is one section different to the next?
Pauline's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Writing in second language [closed]

I am an Indonesian but mostly write in English. Most of my poems are written in English. What terms and rules should I notice? considering that my idea comes to mind in English not my native ...
rusticmystic's user avatar