I had to write a fairly graphic rape scene where my protagonist is pinned to the kitchen floor and needs to free one of her hands if she has any chance of fighting back. It was a challenge as I've (fortunately) never come close to anything like that horrific experience.
I got my husband to pin me down on the kitchen floor so I could see what it felt like, how hard it would be to free a hand and what things I might have to do when strength wasn't on my side.
Men, even slim men the same height as you, are surprisingly strong. It was much harder to fight back than I even imagined and I knew my character would have to use her 'smarts' to get out of it.
You could get a tall, strong male friend to help you with this scene. Think about where she is in relation to the door, where he's standing, how and where does he grab her. And when your friend grabs you like that, what does it feel like? Play the scene out with him. If he grabs you by the arm, what would you do with your free arm, and how would he counter that? Does your protagonist have any strengths she can use, or weaknesses that he might exploit?
Have some fun with it. Scenes come out better for me when I can really dive into them, feel and experience them.
Good luck!