I will be creating a blog article that talks about Illuminati in our local country. I will be talking about the "organization's" role in making specific artists popular (for a duration) and in return the artists will follow the organization's orders, and their work will corrupt the minds of the people to further the Illuminati's agenda. I will be connecting the artists' personal lives to the conspiracy. My problem is, I will be listing the local artists that may be involved, and I will be posting pictures of them wearing items of symbolic importance, or having such symbols in background.
Please refer to this for local law reference. Also our country is also member of the UN, and this text from the UN Declaration of Human Rights is relevant:
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. - Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
I truly understand that I need to seek legal advise on the matter, but I also need to know how to write to avoid libel issues. How do I tackle this, still revealing the artists, but playing it safe? What writing approach should I take in order not to be hit with a libel suit? What wording can I specifically use or avoid?