Photograph: "Percy Jackson and the sea of monsters" copyright page


published in the USA by Hyperion Books for Children 2005

Published in Great Britain by Puffin Books 2005

This edition published 2013


What do the 3 numbers mean?

  • Probably the print run. That is, this is the 20th time this edition has been reprinted. If you really want to know, write to the publisher. They'll likely explain it to you.
    – Ben
    Commented Mar 5 at 21:24

1 Answer 1


That "020" is probably a "MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data" code that denotes that the string of numbers somewhere after it on the page is an ISBN (International Standard Book Number).

MARC has many, many three digit codes that tell a machine scanning a book what information follows that code. A lot of them are book identifier number standards that existed before ISBN came along. For instance: The code is "010" if the number that follows it is a "Library of Congress Control Number". And: 013 - Patent Control Information / 016 - National Bibliographic Agency Control Number / 022 - International Standard Serial Number etc, ect, ect

Here's a link: MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data: 0XX Numbers and Codes (Variable Data Field)

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