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Mary's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
43 votes

Not wanting to "spoil" a story due to lack of skill

38 votes

Do "unlimited ammo" or "bottomless magazine" tropes ruin storytelling?

30 votes

When the main character talks to the camera, is that 3rd person or another technical term for point of view?

28 votes

Do I always need a comma after a person's name?

27 votes

How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner?

21 votes

How to write a character who's better than you at sounding professional and doublespeak

21 votes

In novel writing, should I change the name a character is referred to by when he reveals his name to the protagonist?

21 votes

Should you publish your book online for feedback?

17 votes

Ways to show someone is whispering without using "he whispered"

16 votes

Grammarly editing my effects, should I keep them or listen to Grammarly?

16 votes

When should you reveal the motivations of a villain?

15 votes

A smooth way to make Dialogue

13 votes

How to write a character that doesn’t talk much?

13 votes

What does (beat) refer to in a script and what other elements can we put instead of (beat)?

13 votes

What is the meaning of square brackets in quotes?

12 votes

Should my main character make a ginormous mistake?

11 votes

How can a portal be hidden for 5 years but found by children?

11 votes

How do you prevent a character from being a creator's pet?

10 votes

What are the stages to self editing?

9 votes

How do you make a super villain's plan smart enough to outwit genuinely intelligent heroes but still have the heroes win?

9 votes

Do you need to explain why your character acted out of character?

8 votes

Can I have a non-living thing with its own perspective?

8 votes

Getting Prose to Flow

8 votes

How do I emphasize a sentence without making it seem like the character is shouting?

8 votes

How can I keep my writing consistent?

7 votes

Is it a bad idea to design a purposefully inconsistent magic system?

7 votes

When quoting issuing commands to multiple individuals, should each new person be a new paragraph?

7 votes

Are there situations where it makes sense to tell a character's plan even if it's going to fail?

7 votes

Is it okay to use a lot of questions to show my characters' thoughts?

7 votes

How can one go about writing with a full time job?

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