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Vogon Poet's user avatar
Vogon Poet
  • Member for 5 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Mars
25 votes

How do you show a wolf howling in a comic book panel if the wolf isn't visible?

10 votes

When is it too late to introduce major characters?

3 votes

Is having a magic system that involves carving runes into your own flesh glorifying self harm?

3 votes

How do you get solid concepts and stop scrapping ideas?

2 votes

Is dialogue necessary for a good story to be told?

2 votes

Cautioning against, from, or about?

2 votes

Do hard to pronounce names break immersion?

2 votes

If a protagonist is smart enough to escape a trap, how could they have allowed themselves to become trapped in the first place?

2 votes

Writing, or rather, not writing PTSD

2 votes

Is it ok to indirectly attribute an idea to an author without explicitly naming the author and giving explicit attribution?

1 vote

Should I avoid modern words/phrases in fantasy writing?

1 vote

Expressing the intensity of an emotion by showing and not telling

1 vote

Interrupting action beats with dialogue?

1 vote

Are flash-forwards ever used as literary devices?

1 vote

Is the saving sidekick ever used outside of comedy?

1 vote

What is the difference between magical realism story and a low fantasy story?

1 vote

How do I put "tomato" in dialog when stressing the alternate pronouciation?

1 vote

Is using Swahili inspired vocabulary and words similar to Japanese slang in my custom language cultural appropriation?

1 vote

Punctuating consecutive usage of "and"

0 votes

How to perpetuate the plot-driving riddle without frustrating the reader?

0 votes

Is dialogue in a novel necessary, or just padding?

0 votes

Describe person attempting but failing to suppress a laugh

0 votes

How to handle a massive info dump post-ending?

0 votes

How to give more space to a dialogue?

0 votes

Use Pen Name after Blunder?

0 votes

How to describe types of hum a character uses to convey their thoughts and opinions

0 votes

Could I use non-English characters and expressions in a novel?

-2 votes

At what point would the romance and sexual feelings between different species be uncomfortable?