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linksassin's user avatar
linksassin's user avatar
  • Member for 5 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Melbourne VIC, Australia
28 votes

Does every chapter have to "blow the reader away" so to speak?

21 votes

Describing a person. What needs to be mentioned?

19 votes

Should we avoid writing fiction about historical events without extensive research?

18 votes

Is using an 'empty' metaphor considered bad style?

15 votes

Crossing the line between justified force and brutality

15 votes

Is Social Media Science Fiction?

13 votes

A poker game description that does not feel gimmicky

13 votes

How do we spread a story across several different media without alienating our readers?

12 votes

How to write a Stack Exchange comment?

11 votes

Is an easily guessed plot twist a good plot twist?

10 votes

How should we write a passage where a character sings?

9 votes

Is there a way to add noises that don't have an onomatopoeia?

8 votes

How can I get readers to accept more than 1 "buy" in worldbuilding?

8 votes

Methods for writing a code review

8 votes

How to keep a dark protagonist who wants to keep his humanity dark?

7 votes

Plot twist where the antagonist wins

6 votes

Handwriting speed

6 votes

When must a character grow beyond their archetype?

6 votes

Will it be accepted, if there is no ''Main Character" stereotype?

6 votes

Fictional races and fictional racism

5 votes

Should the average length of a chapter depend on the length of the novel?

5 votes

Non-trope happy ending?

5 votes

Do I have to start my story with my main characters?

3 votes

What are the advantages and disavantages of different triggers for character transformation?

3 votes

Is writing about your childhood in creative writing/fiction class necessary?

3 votes

Podcast Transcripts: suggested collaborative tools?

3 votes

Would it be appropriate to end a side story as soon as a character is killed off?

3 votes

How much humour is effective in technical documentation?

3 votes

How to Introduce Something Potentially Laughable?

2 votes

Fictional cultures and languages existing in the same area?