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ggiaquin16's user avatar
ggiaquin16's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
51 votes

How do I say that a character said something without resorting to "said Character" every time?

21 votes

I have very little technical ability, will this hinder my ability to tell a story and how to improve?

13 votes

What information about a fictional world is unnecessary?

11 votes

How do I make it so my story happens in an ambiguous time frame?

9 votes

Acronyms in Technical Writing

7 votes

How do you write an evil character without making him "sexy" or "cool"?

7 votes

How do I cover many years with little activity without it feeling rushed?

7 votes

Should I bother allowing images (headshots) for pen names?

7 votes

How can you deal with the darker themes of a grimdark setting without being edgy?

7 votes

How to figure out what my target readers are?

6 votes

Will people not want to download my book if it's put up on sale for free?

6 votes

How to subtly portray psychological abuse?

5 votes

Showing Confusion

5 votes

How can you show that a character is feeling amazing?

5 votes

Is it bad storytelling to have things happen by complete chance?

5 votes

What is an arena-driven story?

5 votes

How to be mindful of the reader when handling disturbing/distressing subjects?

5 votes

Help! Character naming similarity

5 votes

how to write a rant?

4 votes

Can my character specialize in torture ; but physically be not that strong?

4 votes

How important is an LCCN ? (self publishing)

4 votes

How can I get into the mindset to write?

4 votes

Effective hero journeys that don't kill the villain?

4 votes

How to avoid being too wordy

4 votes

Is it a bad idea to adopt an 'English' pen name as an Asian American writer to reach a wider audience?

4 votes

Writing a character that does not share your ethnic background?

4 votes

How can I figure out my main character's overall goal?

4 votes

What is considered "childish" in fictional writing?

4 votes

Making the antagonist

4 votes

I have a weak motivation for a god character! How Do I Make It a Stronger Motivation?

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