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paulzag's user avatar
paulzag's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
1 vote

RNG 109 Watermark

1 vote

What country to buy an ISBN when your language is different to the country you live in?

2 votes

Do self publishers need to support punctuation differences for different markets?

4 votes

Why would my character turn off his phone?

1 vote

How to describe guns to someone who has never seen them before

1 vote

As a ghostwriter, can I edit my author's Scrivener file?

2 votes

Need clarification on use of M-dash and ellipsis in screenplay, I've seen numerous conflicting sources on this

3 votes

Using Names for Weaponry used in Actual Games

5 votes

Character names/nicknames in screenplay format

0 votes

How to use small caps in stage directions of a play?

6 votes

Should all books have page numbers?

4 votes

Using names of video game, movie, and comic book characters and group names in novel, but as tribute to them

31 votes

Can I be a writer, with a mental illness?

0 votes

Will I ever be able to write like a native writer?

16 votes

Stop thinking own work is stupid

15 votes

Help! I accidentally gave my fictional character the same name as a fictional character on a TV show. Do I have to change it?

1 vote

How to handle screenplay revisions in Final Draft?

7 votes

How to create a good name for a fictional nation in my story?

0 votes

Writing productivity trackers

1 vote

best licensing option for freest possible sharing of lyrics while retaining the right to get paid if someone else makes money from them

0 votes

Interwoven story arcs (for video) - guidelines so viewers will not get lost?