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Kevin's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
7 votes

How do I write a sexist narrator without coming off as sexist myself?

11 votes

Are there examples of using text formatting (e.g. color) to disambiguate different instances of the same word in a text?

3 votes

Are there any science fiction books (or historical fiction) which don't have specific "main characters", which talks in generalities instead?

3 votes

Can I use something from another series in my own?

2 votes

Which is more readable - array of ints or int array?

9 votes

My character surprised me with their behaviour while writing them, should I keep that behaviour or stick to how I had planned them?

5 votes

When is prosody in fiction too ornate?

4 votes

How do you create an idiomatic sounding composite name for something like a landmark, city, region, etc.?

1 vote

Is there a way to include your Patreon page when the credit rolls after a movie?

2 votes

When should I end a sentence?

3 votes

Can I write a story revolving around a video game (Without it taking place in game and making many changes)?

2 votes

How can I show that my character is not good with people?

1 vote

LaTeX as alternative to Scribus for large text books

1 vote

Is it appropriate for one to use already existing content?

2 votes

Breaking the Rules

14 votes

A smooth way to make Dialogue

29 votes

Should I write my story if I haven't established a plot?

3 votes

Is it permissible to use subconclusions for argumentative paragraphs if they contain multiple arguments in support of the main point?

11 votes

What is the correct way to write dialogue?

2 votes

The Good, the Bad, and the Semicolon