Thomas Reinstate Monica Myron's user avatar
Thomas Reinstate Monica Myron's user avatar
Thomas Reinstate Monica Myron's user avatar
Thomas Reinstate Monica Myron
  • Member for 9 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
2 votes

When writing down a huge amounts of detail is inevitable

2 votes

What font is this

2 votes

Why do readers enjoy reading about "bad" or evil characters?

1 vote

Music & Focus During Writing

1 vote

What makes a strong mental image?

1 vote

Can you help us read this handwriting from a leather wallet?

1 vote

Is it OK to use "I guess" in fiction?

1 vote

Use of realism in a fictional setting

1 vote

Is it possible to have a character who does not develop?

1 vote

Use of real-world languages in a fantasy world

1 vote

How do sci-fi stories hold up if their premise or details become discredited?

1 vote

How can clarity and flow of long sentences be improved?

1 vote

Is the word block in 'block D' capitalized?

1 vote

Structuring a novel like a television or graphic novel series

1 vote

Proper way to punctuate an abrupt stopping of speech?

1 vote

What is an alternative for "the size of a pack of cigarettes"?

1 vote

Should I write "what do the data show" or "what does the data show"?

1 vote

How to start writing a book?

1 vote

For a new writer, is it better to enter contests or submit to magazines/journals?

1 vote

Writing productivity trackers

1 vote

How can I rephrase that that?

1 vote

Writing a novel largely composed of question-answer sessions

1 vote

Why use quotes on the word "Dad" when talking to someone?

1 vote

Can a protagonist with questionable morals be appreciated?

0 votes

First person POV "mom:" vs. "mother"

0 votes

What is the best time of day to write? Day or night?

0 votes

Is it a good idea to try to make my readers feel attached to the character's home?

0 votes

seeking a humorous example of long winded paragraph one sentence long

0 votes

Main male character description

0 votes

Should I specify the time/date at the beginning of a scene?