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This tag should be used for questions about publishing your work via electronic channels, such as self-publishing an e-book to be readable on Amazon's Kindle or making your magazine available on a website.

4 votes

Is it wise to publish a novel as an e-book, and how would I do it?

Is it wise? In my opinion, yes. I have sold hundreds of e-books using a pen name, and I have recently started publishing other e-books under my own name. I have not spent much time promoting them beca …
Steven Drennon's user avatar
0 votes

What are the advantages and disadvantages of digital rights management for self-published au...

As I mentioned in my edited version of the original question, this is a question that was presented to one of the other writer's groups that I am a part of, and I wanted to see what folks here thought …
Steven Drennon's user avatar