I am a programmer by profession and am looking for good text processors to help me with my blog writing. Word(MS/OpenOffice) has felt too clunky, because of the interruptions(corrections,formatting etc....) it throws up while writing..I tried out vim which is my workplace editor, and though it has been great in letting me think clear and write ,i just haven't been able to use it for efficient formatting... I am now looking for something that can combine both. Is there on you would recommend .I would prefer to do the formatting/rewriting from the keyboard, without having to go to the mouse.. but am flexible about that part. But i want something, that doesn't make me wait a few seconds while it's saving the text... (i.e: light and responsive) Any suggestions?? 

Update: I use Linux for all my work and don't have a Windows..
UPDATE 2: After trying out some of these, am going with vim itself and using latex for formatting. Only problem is that's fine for latex2pdf but otherwise wordpress supports only latex math package. Will need to find different blog host or try latex2html. will update once am done with that.