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Questions tagged [tools]

Tools include any physical devices or artifacts used in the writing process, as well as software tools (which should additionally include the Software tag). For questions regarding process, methodology, or organization, use the Technique tag.

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9 votes
6 answers

Best free writing software?

I can't afford much right now, so I am looking for free writing tools that can help me. I already have Microsoft Word, but am looking for something to outline with. I am also interested in anything ...
Jade's user avatar
  • 91
3 votes
7 answers

Writing technique resources

Are there resources (books, blogs...) which describe proven techniques to obtain certain effects? For example: you will obtain this effect if you use the first person, effective ways to describe fear, ...
Adrien Hingert's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

Character Relationship Mapping Software

I'm attempting to lay some groundwork for a story that I've been working on in various aspects for a good many years now, and I'm finding myself in need of a visual representation of character ...
Miria's user avatar
  • 91
7 votes
1 answer

Are there custom placeholders in Ulysses app?

Does the ulysses app have anything that is useful for creating placeholder text? For instance, if I didn't have a character name, or a place name I could do: {protagonist_first_name} or {...
timstermatic's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Programs that analyze word frequency?

I would like a utility that could analyze a document and give me stats like this: WORD: FREQUENCY: a 47,268 the 37,201 gross 215 irregardlessly 1 ...
Chowzen's user avatar
  • 325
2 votes
1 answer

Scientifically proven optimal environment for writing?

I've stumbled upon some insights regarding the best writing environment. There are many different advises regarding this matter, and maybe it is too subjective for a fact based research. Nevertheless, ...
Michal Gassner's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How do I delete a scene in Scrivener?

I purchased Scrivener a few weeks ago. As I was messing around with it trying to get a hang of how to use it I accidentally added too many scenes in one chapter. How do I delete these scenes?
Abram Frost's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How can I combine the advantages of pen and laptop? [closed]

I like writing on my laptop because I can type quickly. I like writing with a pencil because it is more relaxing and pleasant to edit: The words just flow and there is no bright light. Are there ...
sirdank's user avatar
  • 374
2 votes
2 answers

How Do I Create A Dynamic Outline?

My question is about word processing tools and outlines specifically. I've been hacking at a story idea for a couple of years now, and enough is developed to commit it to paper. But, as an ...
user18882's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

For a single author writing short stories in LaTeX, is it worthwhile to switch to a "real" version control system from Dropbox?

I'm currently using Dropbox to sync and backup my stories (which are generally in LaTeX). However, I've read that it's probably a better idea to switch to a "real" version control system, especially ...
cjm's user avatar
  • 101
2 votes
4 answers

How can a writer efficiently manage many text snippets?

I have a large amount (a couple thousand) of rather small text files with short notes or stories. I use them to generate ideas on topics I'm writing about. My problem is that these are just text files ...
tony994's user avatar
  • 121
1 vote
1 answer

How to get 2 different page numberings in the same document in MS Word?

Let's say I have a 6 page document. (MS Word) I want the first 3 pages to be numbered i, ii, iii and the remaining 3 pages to be numbered 1, 2, 3 How can I achieve this? I tried the automatic ...
Mohdak's user avatar
  • 119
1 vote
2 answers

What corpus-based writing tools do you use?

I'm searching for a tool that would make real-time suggestions based on "real world" text. The only corpus-based tool I know of is Writefull - does anybody know of any others?
Smokey's user avatar
  • 31
2 votes
2 answers

Minimal requirements for a portable computer for writing only? [closed]

What have you found to be the least expensive portable computer that will handle Microsoft Word? I don't need any other Office applications or the internet; however, I do need either a USB ...
Demity's user avatar
  • 29
7 votes
2 answers

Can I add Drop Caps to my manuscript in the Storyist program?

I have a manuscript that I'd like to add Drop Caps to at the beginning of each chapter. I currently have it loaded into my Storyist program on my Mac-book Pro. Does anyone know how I'd go about ...
Joshua A's user avatar
  • 451
3 votes
2 answers

Switching to fiction software

OK, I admit to dinosaur-era technology. My first computer was the Radio Shack Color Computer 2 with a tape deck for memory storage (seriously). Websites were in DOS (let's just say you were lucky to ...
Stu W's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Are there any good tools out there to track your submissions to agents or publishers?

I've used The Submissions Grinder when submitting work to publishers, but they don't have any way to track submissions to non standard markets or to agents. I know I could use a spreadsheet, but I'm ...
DoWhileNot's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Is it possible to do novel-scale writing on a Chromebook?

I've been looking into Chromebooks for their portability and cost and was wondering what kind of writing tools, if any, exist on the platform that could be used to write larger projects without making ...
user2859458's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How to reference an ISO/IEC?

I'm doing some college work and I'm using ISO/IEC 27000 Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management systems — Overview and vocabulary. In Word, I have set up the ...
JChris's user avatar
  • 163
3 votes
1 answer

Can you do a "selective" word count in Scrivener?

When I use Scrivener I tend to have quite a deep hierarchy of documents. Often, I'll use a child document for notes that I will write up in its parent document. Currently, when I view by project in ...
Jim's user avatar
  • 131
2 votes
2 answers

Tools to help me write SOPs for graduate school

I am in the process of applying to several graduate school, so I need to write several Statements of Purpose (SOP). English is not my first language and my writing skills are average at best. Are ...
harinsa's user avatar
  • 123
0 votes
1 answer

A comparative analysis of Scrivener 2 and iBook Author

I have been using iBook Author for a long time now, and recently, from this answer, I came to know about Scrivener2. Which, from it's webpage and advertisement looks to me like a good tool. Have ...
rptwsthi's user avatar
  • 257
2 votes
2 answers

Authoring tool for interactive documentations

I am searching for an application (Desktop- or Web-App) to write and create interactive documentation (especially technical documentation). I like Madcap Flare for technical writing, but I'm looking ...
dude's user avatar
  • 121
1 vote
1 answer

Writing thesis paper: Grammar correction tool [closed]

I have been writing my master's thesis. My supervisor is helping me a lot to format and correct the spelling and grammar. But I think he has been using some Microsoft word addons which looks like the ...
Mohammad Saifullah's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

What are some good writing analyzing software programs?

What are some good writing analyzing software programs? I'm on a trial right now of something called EffectCheck which seems to give you the overall tone of your work and provide charts and bar ...
Dynas's user avatar
  • 303
5 votes
8 answers

Database for Characters?

I have been on the search (passively, that is) for some sort of database type tool to put characters in. I would want/need the basic stuff (height, birthdate, skin color, hair color, etc.) but I would ...
HelloBeautifulChild's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Why does this software suggest capitalizing the word 'dragon'?

Why did Grammarly suggest capitalizing the word 'dragon' in this sentence? It says it does not fit the context so needs to be capitalized: Small birds chattered and scooted about in the undergrowth ...
lee leeder's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Would Office Open XML or OpenDocument Format be better for my needs?

A Quick Note I asked if this was an okay topic over on Meta, and they said it should be okay, as long as I "describe the writing-related context -- what you're writing, who (if anybody) you're ...
SarahofGaia's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

What is front/back matter?

I was browsing around for different writing tools and one of the sites mentioned tools for front and back matter in addition to tools for chapter planning. What is front / back matter?
user2859458's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Tool to batch convert DOI to citations?

I'm looking for an (online) tool to convert a long list of DOI's (1000+) into citation information. There are several tools that let you enter one DOI at a time, such as doi2bib or Crossref but those ...
redfuse's user avatar
  • 21
3 votes
1 answer

Are there any translation check tools?

Are there any tools/programs that I can use when I translate a book into another language? I.e. I do not want to turn "wrathful grapes""into "angry raisins".
Ankia von dem Bongart's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Make Emacs (or vim etc) like Ulysses

For many years I have been trying to find a good text editor for writing fiction. I have used Scrivener, Ulysses and others but they seem slow and you always reach the point where you want things to ...
Jason Mirk's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

online database of clever phrases

Is there a website that has a collection of clever or poetic phrases or expressions that one can search or browse through. What about a book? I used to have a book like this but I lost it. It had ...
user185383's user avatar
13 votes
9 answers

Is there a free online alternative to Scrivener?

I currently use Google Drive/Docs to pen all of my novels and short stories, but really feel that I could do with a management suite of sorts, such as Scrivener. However, as Scrivener costs actual ...
M.Y. David's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Do agents/editors take Snoflake Pro-based proposals seriously?

I've just stumbled upon the Snowflake Pro software and have been very happy with how it has improved the quality and completeness of my manuscript. At the end of the process, the software uses all the ...
thanby's user avatar
  • 356
1 vote
1 answer

Do word lists indexed by domain exist?

Are there any compilations of lists of words by domain? For example, there could be a domain 'Literature' and it would include the words writer, reader, critic, book, essay, novel, publisher, ...
komark's user avatar
  • 11
8 votes
3 answers

Is there a book title generator that takes an input and outputs plausible titles with related words?

There are a couple book title generators out there (Google will find them for you). Unfortunately, none of them seem to take any input. That is, they all generate titles by assembling words from a ...
user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Offline Tool for finding identical/similar phrases in a text?

I'm searching for a tool which finds and lists identical phrases in a long text like a dissertation. The goal is to find repeating texts which have been created accidentally by copy/paste. It ...
MostlyHarmless's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Writing many entries/articles, storing them, and browsing them

I'm looking for software that will permit me to write articles of various sizes, with a title and tags for each article. The program should store the content, and then allow me to browse (whether from ...
user2300440's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Word Clouds and Phrase Clouds

I'm familiar with word clouds (or tag clouds) as used on blogs or on sites like Delicious. It seems to me that a tool similar to that could be of use to writers like me, who don't have an editor, when ...
lea's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Does a proposed graphical scheme exist to organize the whole story?

My language skills in general are very low, i have problems to form sentences, each sentence is a frustrating fight not won at the end of the point. Nethertheless, i would like to prove myself being ...
meireikei's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Writing for the web: how do you submit your content

I am currently putting together verbiage for a website redesign and I am finding it difficult to determine the best format for submission. The content needs to be reviewed by stakeholders and ...
Ben's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Tools for multiple creators/writers documentation without clouds

In many companies I've seen it that more than 1 person are writing at the same documentation (be it user manual or technical documentation) for a computer application. What I have seen in usage was ...
Thomas E.'s user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

In Flare, how can we make atomic change groups in review?

My team uses MadCap Flare for documentation and we have an editor on the team. When a writer is ready, we assemble a review package in Flare and send it to the editor, and she makes changes and sends ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

What software is good for writing a technical book? [duplicate]

I must write a book for the university and I am looking for software. The style that I want is like the books of O'Reilly, Apress or Packt. I need: Insert a table of contents (automatic). Divide and ...
cespon's user avatar
  • 141
10 votes
5 answers

Software for plot building across multiple books

I plan to write a series of books set in the same universe, with a major plot about war, destruction, murder, killing, love, betrayal etc. But I am having problem getting the big view of my universe ...
Oedum's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Free or cheap way to lay out a concert program booklet?

I just volunteered to produce the concert program booklets for a recital series starting in October and I'm wondering what is the best way to go about creating a multi-page booklet that would include ...
user55515's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Resource for idioms

I'm not a native English speaker and I have a hard time finding good words sometimes. Sometimes I feel like there should be an idiom for the thing I want to say, but cannot remember it correctly. For ...
Milan Babuškov's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Where can I find a good online thesaurus?

Usually I just use the synonym suggestions at (or its tie-in site but it's pretty lame. Most of the synonyms it suggests are basic and well-known words I already know. In ...
user1985189's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Looking for software that can create annotation/outline layers

I am working on some unpublished texts that cover a period of over ten years and many thousands of pages. These texts need to be distilled into key ideas that ideally would be available as a kind of "...
rose's user avatar
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