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Questions tagged [short-story]

Use this tag for questions about short stories. Do not use this tag for questions about novellas, flash fiction, or other types of short fiction.

7 questions from the last 365 days
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3 votes
2 answers

Tips on how to end a story properly

I enjoy writing short stories, but I always struggle with how to write the ending. Do you have any tips for me?
Rannisa A's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I start my characters dream / What do I need to start my characters dream

I'm trying to write a backstory for my character but somehow I can't think of how or what place to start his dream because I'm currently new to writing stories
Ram Bides's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Publishing anonymously; using a "proxy" author

I'd like to submit a short story for publication with (publisher here). However, I'm a very private person and I'm not entirely happy with the protections afforded by a pseudonym. If I were to sell my ...
ConnieMnemonic's user avatar
3 votes
6 answers

How to get over a long break from writing?

I'm wanting to get back into writing and work on a novel or a collection of short stories. In the past, I've done creative writing and I've written a full-length novel, however it's been over a year ...
AnnWithNoE's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to find a short story idea?

How to randomly generate short story ideas without any inspiration? And how to implement that idea and get a unique short story?
Riotheavn 's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How can I tell if tension is a problem while writing?

I’ve recently started plotting out the first of many stories I have kicking around in my brain that I’d like to publish. It’s a fairly short one, and I have written stories before, but I’ve never ...
Autopsy Blue's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Changing viewpoint styles in a short story collection?

I have just started working on a collection of short stories that I may or may not attempt to publish in the future (it is currently a side project while waiting for agents to reply to my novel ...
TGA_1's user avatar
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