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Questions tagged [self-preservation]

Protecting yourself in your writing process, for example assessing professional services' reputability, or questions about keeping your identity secret.

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1 answer

Can I publish journal prompts if not a mental health professional?

I am designing a journal that includes prompts for "shadow work", or rather, asks questions relating to one's dark side. The questions are intended to help the writer identify hidden ...
Autumn Cole's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I write a story that is purposely meta?

I want to write a story where the author is constantly addressed and made fun of. The author, is a separate person. The author is trying to write a meta story, however she makes it so meta, that it ...
lesbianauthor's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is emailing an original idea to oneself using Gmail a foolproof way to timestamp it?

"one easy way to timestamp an idea is to email it to yourself using something like gmail. Since you are not able to falsify gmail's timestamps, you can use it as evidence of the timing of an idea&...
Security Every Day's user avatar
16 votes
12 answers

How do you keep a villainous character from being offensive to a particular group?

If the villain of your story is a member of a certain group, how do you keep the story from being offensive to members of that group? For example, one of the villain in my book is a WWII veteran. I ...
Amoeba's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Is posting a work in progress novel online considered previously published by big publishers?

I am almost finished up writing my first novel--a fiction-- and I am considering posting it on sites like fictionpress to see if I get any advice and constructive criticism on things to fix. I really ...
Profetik One's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

How to stop projecting yourself into your writing?

I am writing about a person who is transported 10 years into the past, and has the chance to relive their life (actually being able to: 'knowing what I know now I would...') The trouble is I keep ...
DarcyThomas's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

I like to write but I keep stopping myself

I have this problem where I always just can't seem to be satisfied by my choice of words resulting it me never getting far in writing. Almost every sentence I would think "This isn't the kind of ...
jkris's user avatar
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1 answer

self publishing [closed]

My Dad is writing a book about racism I am trying to find info for him on how to publish and who would publish he is almost done with the book however he is writing 5 books one of them on inside of ...
Kamae Mitchell's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What should I know to better decide which of my names to conceal/abbreviate/elaborate/modify/invent for signing my writing?

Having read about how J. K. Rowling names were chosen/created: "Fearing that the target audience of young boys might not want to read a book written by a woman, her publishers demanded that she ...
Gennady Vanin Геннадий Ванин's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

How to figure out if an agent is "on the straight" or "shady"?

Are there any specific signs (singular or groups of) that I should pay attention to when it comes to agents? I have read about agents who work for less reputable publishing houses, charging fees for ...
Vatine's user avatar
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23 votes
9 answers

Do I need to register my work to retain copyright?

What are the legal issues when submitting work to publishers? is there a risk of having my work stolen? How can you protect yourself from this? Is there an international "law" for this or is it ...
juan's user avatar
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23 votes
2 answers

Warning signs that a publisher may be shady?

Are there any specific signs (singular or groups of) that I should pay attention to when it comes to publishers? I have read about publishing houses that charge their authors quite large amounts of ...
Vatine's user avatar
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