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2 answers

What's the best way to visually sort data about characters?

I have a couple of characters that I want to group together on multiple pages. Each could be about different information. Another example would be, with 1 page for each period of time. Year 1: Alive:...
Blue Screen's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Autocapitalize after colon for dialog?

I write my dialog in this format: Joe: Why are you wearing a shoe on your head? Sam: Mind your own damn business! What's annoying here is that it doesn't automatically capitalize the word following ...
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5 answers

How to add multiple carriage returns between documents in Scrivener?

When compiling, i'm given 4 options for text separators, in the "separators" tab. What I want to do, is have 2 carriage returns, a line with 4 asterisks, then 2 carriage returns, between each text ...
Tyler Jones's user avatar
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How to zoom text in Scrivenings mode without changing the actual font?

I'm using Scrivener for Windows (latest version). I set out to read my entire novel in Scrivenings mode. However, the text is a bit small for easy reading. I see a Zoom toolbar at the bottom of the ...
Eric J.'s user avatar
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Table of contents to include sub heading in Scrivener for Windows for Kindle format

I can create a clickable TOC for my chapter headings in the Windows version of Scrivener. But what I want is to be able to include the sub headings in the clickable TOC for Kindle. I have tried ...
Harry TP's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I delete a scene in Scrivener?

I purchased Scrivener a few weeks ago. As I was messing around with it trying to get a hang of how to use it I accidentally added too many scenes in one chapter. How do I delete these scenes?
Abram Frost's user avatar
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Switching to fiction software

OK, I admit to dinosaur-era technology. My first computer was the Radio Shack Color Computer 2 with a tape deck for memory storage (seriously). Websites were in DOS (let's just say you were lucky to ...
Stu W's user avatar
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Can you do a "selective" word count in Scrivener?

When I use Scrivener I tend to have quite a deep hierarchy of documents. Often, I'll use a child document for notes that I will write up in its parent document. Currently, when I view by project in ...
Jim's user avatar
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A comparative analysis of Scrivener 2 and iBook Author

I have been using iBook Author for a long time now, and recently, from this answer, I came to know about Scrivener2. Which, from it's webpage and advertisement looks to me like a good tool. Have ...
rptwsthi's user avatar
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13 votes
9 answers

Is there a free online alternative to Scrivener?

I currently use Google Drive/Docs to pen all of my novels and short stories, but really feel that I could do with a management suite of sorts, such as Scrivener. However, as Scrivener costs actual ...
M.Y. David's user avatar
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2 answers

Scrivener: Editing the source files

I'm away from the house but I have my .scriv file on cloud storage. My question is, can I get to a particular chapter in my story and make some quick edits? Will changing these files break the ...
Dan Hanly's user avatar
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1 answer

Scrivener: marking multiple (non-adjacent) phrases in a manuscript with same footnote

How can I mark multiple different non-adjacent words and/or phrases with the same endnote marker and the same endnote text in Scrivener? For example: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer ...
Kevin Ford The Submariner's user avatar
7 votes
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How to work with in-text markup for figures and captions in Scrivener?

I like the writing tool Scrivener because of the organisation tools like the corkboard and the no-frills full screen mode. I'm starting out my thesis using the Windows trial and intending to buy if I ...
iftheshoefritz's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Is Scrivener involved in the editorial process, or is it strictly a writer's development tool?

Is there any reason that an editor should know how to use Scrivener? I generally see manuscripts after they're out of draft but before proofreading. (I'm an editor.) However, I see a lot of talk ...
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