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How propose a story / write / publish for an established universe or franchise? [duplicate]

I would like to know the process of proposing a story or manuscript for an established universe or franchise. Some examples of universes include Star Wars, Star Trek, Horizon, etc. My question is ...
WarriorPoet's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Is it necessary to describe a character's physical appearance in a novel

I am writing a novel and I realized that I did not describe any of my characters, like practically, no reader would be able to place or imagine the character which I feel is not right. That is why I ...
Oyeranti's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Can I take the text of my own already published book (ebook & POD), amend & improve it, add new title and cover pic, and self-publish as a new book?

I have a published (ebook & paperback) novel which was published in 2015 by a UK publishing house. The text was never carefully or properly proofed and there were many printing problems. Net ...
Phil's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Include book cover in query letter to agent?

I'm emailing a few agents about a novel I wrote. Typical query letter, attaching a summary and the first three chapters, as they request. I happen to have commissioned a book cover for the novel, ...
ggambetta's user avatar
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6 answers

How long can a Children's Novel be?

I'm currently writing a realism fantasy novel targeted for a 9-12 age group. Since it became so long(the first draft turned out to be at least 90,000 words), I figured it would be best to split the ...
Alexandrang's user avatar
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2 answers

Publishing a book- Age [duplicate]

I wouldn't really consider myself a great writer, but I enjoy it and if my family reads it, they quite like it as well. I've written 2 books before and love doing so. I wouldn't really ask ''A website'...
Emz MSP's user avatar
7 votes
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Is posting a work in progress novel online considered previously published by big publishers?

I am almost finished up writing my first novel--a fiction-- and I am considering posting it on sites like fictionpress to see if I get any advice and constructive criticism on things to fix. I really ...
Profetik One's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Is a novel with 50K words more likely to sell than one with 40K?

I'm asking this because I wrote a novel with 40K words, but somehow I feel it would sell more, or at least be more like a "novel" if I add stuff until it's 50K (I checked on Amazon and most best-...
wyc's user avatar
  • 12.4k
6 votes
4 answers

Misleading facts in the About the Author section

In the 'About the Author' section of Cuckoo's calling, it says that Robert Galbraith spent several years in the military etc etc. But now that we all know who Robert Galbraith is...does this not ...
Victor123's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

What is the recomended word-count for a fantasy-fiction book?

By recommended I mean what is the standard for it to be not too long and not too short. I know I should write until I am finished but I want to take practicality into account as well. Mainly when the ...
Jose Luis's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Is it plausible to get a contract with an US/UK publisher as a foreigner?

Looking for some insight in the publishing industry. Is it even remotely plausible to get published in with an English-language publishing house (UK/US), when you're not a national nor a resident of ...
fencliff's user avatar
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17 votes
5 answers

Can I shop an unfinished novel?

I've been writing a novel that addresses some very current themes. My belief is that if I can get it out there quickly, it will succeed well. I'm working on it frantically, but will agents consider ...
Lynn Beighley's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

What exactly do I do to get published?

I'm interested to know what the publishing process exactly entails for future reference. I'm in my last year of school and I recently finished my first substantial piece of creative writing (a subject ...
Edward Rose's user avatar
30 votes
7 answers

Do most novels not get published?

If a person writes a novel, grammar alright, decent story, word count, etc. everything okay, Is it a crap shoot for that person to get published? Is it just like the lottery or maybe better chances?...
johnny's user avatar
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