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As an author, how can you ensure that your agent/publisher isn’t ripping you off by pocketing your money and giving you false info about sales?

Agents typically demand that authors sign over complete control of their royalties to them so that their money comes from the agent rather than from the publisher directly. I know a certain author ...
user394536's user avatar
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Will the publisher/agent tell me what to write?

I recently read this answer, which suggested that an author's first novel will be rejected, and the publisher will instead get the author to write the novel they want to publish, assuming they feel ...
Thomas Reinstate Monica Myron's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Is it acceptable to break the story up into POVs to show how the characters' stories all tie together?

I'm writing a novel. At 56k words, I've become a little nervous about how I've been building the story. BACKGROUND: I started this book with the introduction of the main character, Jules and a brief ...
Loren Archer's user avatar