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4 answers

How to write a non-fiction book? [closed]

I've heard that in order to write a non-fiction book I need to write notes and then put them together to make a book, but I'm writing notes from possible 4 completely different books, so when should I ...
Sorb's user avatar
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I am writing about examples of contemporary stereotyping of Native Americans, but what are more contemporary examples in movies and shows? [closed]

I am currently researching how stereotypes of Native Americans are still propagated in films today in the 21st century, just as they are in things like sports mascots and food brands, but I am having ...
John Joe's user avatar
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Looking for best practices on using surveys to gather information for a non-fiction book

I am looking for best practices (or references to such) for using interviews to collect information for a non-fiction book. I've done some searching on surveys and non-fiction books but have only hit ...
Terri Simon's user avatar
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True Crime writing research: Where do you even begin?

I am in the beginning stages of writing my first book, and it is a true crime novel about something that happened down the street from my own home. My question is to anyone else who has written a non ...
Cassandra Kievits's user avatar
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How do I write an article about the negative effects of a topic and my experiences with that topic?

Ok let's pretend I'm writing about abuse (or bullying or another topic( and my experience with it (I don't want to state the real topic here). I want to write a psychological and scientific article/...
Elsa's user avatar
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How do you determine whether you know enough to write on a topic?

I guess that title sounds very abstract and "meta." But it points to a real issue that has interfered with my desire to get published and paid as a writer. For background, I have been a writer in ...
user3582869's user avatar
5 votes
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How do I find good interview subjects?

I have an idea for a series of science articles, but I don't have a strong background in the particular field. What's a good way to identify experts who I could interview to shore up the details and ...
Bruce Alderman's user avatar