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Is sacrificing "clarity" for sounding smarter on a college continued interest letter a good idea?

I put "clarity" in quotes because I know it is not the right word but I cannot think of what the correct word should be. I am writing a continued interest letter for my top college. I have ...
Dylan Levine's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Does Simple Writing Lead to Passive Reading? [closed]

a quick question here about non-fiction writing styles: It is said that the German philosopher Immanuel Kant intentionally wrote in a difficult and opaque style so as to force his readers to pay ...
John Smith's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Is a parenthetical reference to a later part of the text redundant in non-fiction writing?

The response will either be an evasion (we will come to that later), or it will be . . . Is the above (or similar) parenthetical redundant? (I couldn't find a suitable tag for this question, ...
blackened's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I express this fragment more clearly and concisely?

For the 'who is this application for' section of an application user guide, I have the following alternatives, I'm not happy with either one. How can I convey both elements more clearly and consisely?...
marfarma's user avatar
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