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Which option would best fit my episodic series?

So I have this base idea of this story about a vampiric, tentacled monster(s) that put people into a dreamworld/illusion/matrix called Reveries so they can feed on their blood. It also follows a man ...
Conan Highwoods's user avatar
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How can I have characters have very little to no communications with outside world without it sounding too contrived?

This will be like 1 of 3 posts about this story. I am writing (or plan to at least) a story about these folks that are shrunk and sent out to make 'first' contact with a civilization of cockroaches. ...
Conan Highwoods's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Sudden diary entry within a 3rd person limited story

I'm writing a 3rd person limited multi-pov Sci-Fi. The thoughts of whatever POV is being followed at any point are sometimes shown in italicized writing. Suddenly, 42K words in, starting off chapter ...
A. Kvåle's user avatar
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How do you show, through your narration, a hard and uncaring world?

As I've already mentioned, I'm working on a sci-fi novel. One of the main feelings that I wanted to represent when I started is the sense of a vast, empty, artificial world, mostly cold and uncaring ...
Liquid's user avatar
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12 answers

Problems Blending Sci-fi & Traditional Fantasy?

I have been cautioned against blending: Traditional fantasy elements Such as magic systems and exotic, less plausible creatures (on a scientific level - magic tends to explain away these beasts) ...
DVNO's user avatar
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Creating a logical framework for the concept of "decisional causality"

I'm working on a science fiction universe in which time travel exists, in a very limited form, but it's useless, at least it's the intention that it be useless. To that end time travel, on the rare ...
Ash's user avatar
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How to balance between dialogue & character building and action scenes?

I'm writing a novel which takes place in a carefully built (science-)fictional world. The protagonist is also a fictional creature. Obviously, the reader does not know about the world or the creature'...
Century's user avatar
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