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3 answers

Can I change tenses in my first person YA novel?

I'm half way through a YA science fiction novel that is told in 1st person, past tense. Currently there are two chapters in different tenses. One is 2nd person, present tense - the p.o.v. of an AI. ...
FalseEpiphany's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

In a "Gatsby" type story, how does a narrator relate what he doesn't get to see?

"The Great Gatsby" was told from the point of view of Gatsby's neighbor, Nick Carraway by name, with Nick using the first person. Nick gets to see a lot, but not all of Gatsby's dealings. A case in ...
Tom Au's user avatar
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How/when do you reveal a big secret to the reader using first person or third person viewpoint?

How and more importantly when do you reveal a major secret about the character? My character is a mythical species, highly valuable for both intel and magical properties, however she is humanoid and ...
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