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Questions tagged [narration]

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2 answers

Use of historical present in an installation for a museum

Would historical present be appropriate for a video projection on a 3D model telling the story of a territory from archaeological and geological points of view? I worked on the Italian version and ...
chiara's user avatar
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2 answers

How can you signal the readers that the perspective has shifted to an omniscient narrator without explicitly stating it?

How can you signal the readers that the perspective has shifted to an omniscient narrator without explicitly stating it? Sometimes, you want to change from third person narration to omnipotent ...
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How do you change from omniscient narration to unreliable narration and vice versa in a comic book without speech balloons?

How do you change from omniscient narration to unreliable narration and vice versa in a comic book without speech balloons? I am guessing you need to put square speech balloons, to switch from ...
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9 votes
10 answers

How do you use unreliable narration when using an omniscient narrator?

Unreliable narration refers to a narrative that cannot be trusted to give an accurate representation of events, due to the limitations or biases of the narrator. When using an omniscient narrator, I ...
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2 answers

Is the occasional practical exposition jarring?

I always try to keep exposition to a minimum; whenever there is any backstory or worldbuilding, I let it come out via dialogue. The narration is impersonal; I don't want it to feel like someone's ...
user110391's user avatar
14 votes
8 answers

In novel writing, should I change the name a character is referred to by when he reveals his name to the protagonist?

I'm a Chinese writer. Chinese people always tend to refer people by their full names, so the first name last name thing shouldn't be an issue. But now I'm working on a novel with a character from the ...
fat raccoon's user avatar
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1 answer

How does one punctuate narration that references such things as door numbers or street names?

How does one punctuate narration that references such things as door numbers or street names? For example: Aaron slips through an unremarkable timber door, noteworthy only for the unlucky 13 painted ...
Richie Hayes's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Should a flashback be written in first person or third when the narrator has lost his memory?

I'm writing a story where the main character wakes up on a boat with no memory, and throughout the story his past will be revealed, along with other characters in the story. It's written from the main ...
Ben's user avatar
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4 answers

What are the most important parts of worldbuilding that may have a big impact on the story or narration?

What are the most important parts of worldbuilding that may have a big impact on the story or narration? I want to focus on the part that would have the biggest impact on the story or narration so I ...
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2 votes
3 answers

What to do when a sentence is too confusing

I’m struggling to clearly yet briefly explain what’s going on. I’m fairly sure this sentence is grammatically correct, but it still sounds clunky and confusing. For context, my POV character sits down ...
Grace's user avatar
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4 answers

How to convert indirect thought to film voiceover without it sounding contrived?

I am trying to convert a fiction book into a film script. The book uses third-person past tense narration that switches between several characters from chapter to chapter and thus is always from a ...
FrontEnd's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Internal thoughts or just narration?

I'm struggling with my thoughts about what I see as a dichotomy. Basically, I'm not sure when started, but emulating some novels I read, I started using mainly narration to describing the thoughts and ...
Erin Tesden's user avatar