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Trademarked Name Use in Novel

Can I have a character's name be the same as the one in a popular children's book? For example, the kids in a neighborhood think an old man is hiding something. This has been going on for years and ...
Kristy Clarke's user avatar
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Can I use a song lyric as the title of my theatre production?

I'm starting a theatre company and one of the ideas I have thought of for a production is an ongoing series of monologue/scratch evenings. I want to have the premise of each night to latch onto the ...
Izaak's user avatar
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Why is the usage of a character's name not always trademark infringement?

In most cases, using a character's name from a fictional universe is not a trademark infringement (unless the character is being reused, that would be a copyright infringement). Why does this happen?
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Character name trademarks and copyrights [duplicate]

I've had some characters for a while for a comic I'm wanting to write, and until now I never thought about name copyright and trademarks. After looking it up, quite a few of my characters have the ...
NeoPolitan 's user avatar
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Can I use names of characters and groups that other authors/creators have used already?

After I began writing my series, I decided to type some of the names into Google. I found that the name of one my characters (Trent Steele) was used in an episode of The Simpsons. I also found that a ...
Ferus Olin's user avatar