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How do I use Google AdWords to lead potential readers to my WattPad story?

I have a 90k word story that I want to publish on WattPad, and I plan to "religiously" follow all their promotion guides. I don't see using Google AdWords anywhere in the guide. How can I ...
Doug Null's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Will people not want to download my book if it's put up on sale for free?

A lot of people say that putting your book up to be sold on sites such as Amazon for free will boost your sales, but I'm really skeptical. Won't that put readers off--thinking that something must be ...
Klara Raškaj's user avatar
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4 answers

Increasing sales of my Kindle ebook

How can I boost sales of my Kindle ebook? I published it on 28 August 2016 and since then only seven copies sold. So any suggestions? What should I do? I shared it on my social-networking page but ...
Zeba Ali's user avatar
4 votes
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Is same content different titles allowed (or sensible)?

In the software world, it's easy to do A/B testing where a website introduces two versions of the same information to test which one users prefer. I'm wondering if it's possible to do something ...
chrisbu's user avatar
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How do I get my ebook advertised for free?

I have an ebook published on Amazon and that was free. How can I advertise it without spending money?
kayla's user avatar
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When to start submission campaign for a free ebook referencing another book?

Recently I published my book "New Testament Commentary by a Mathematician" with Lulu and started an AdWords ad campaign for this book. There were zero sales and I decided to put the ebook online for ...
porton's user avatar
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Discouraging link to Lulu or CreateSpace

I am finishing writing a non-fiction (religious) e-book. It looks like for me that the most effective way to market my writings is to advertise it with AdWords and sell as e-book directly through ...
porton's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How to advertise a free e-book?

I've created a free e-book in online HTML, EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats. I've created a small site to advertise this book and an other site (currently supports forums) for the community of readers of ...
porton's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

What marketing techniques are effective for short story eBook collections?

I have a collection of short stories that I'm currently selling in the Amazon Kindle marketplace, and one of the biggest hurdles to actually getting my works read is lack of exposure. My passive plan ...
Strozykowski's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

What is the business model for Creative Commons books?

I notice that a lot of computer and programming books are now licensed under various permutations of the creative commons license. Half of the books published by No Starch Press and Apress (at least ...
haziz's user avatar
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7 votes
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Best time to release a new novel?

More specifically, an e-book. I know some markets tend to have season changes which make a certain time of year more beneficial for sales, but I was wondering if anyone had noticed anything similar ...
Steven Drennon's user avatar