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Questions tagged [lyrics]

Writing that's intended to accompany music

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to handle narrative perspective in a musical text

I am writing the text of a significant musical work that will be sung by a chorus. I will also be composing the music, but this question is specific to the lyrics that the chorus will sing. Note that ...
nuggethead's user avatar
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Is there a situation where you shouldn't omit the article (a, the) in lyrics?

Is there a situation where you shouldn't omit the article (a, the) in lyrics? Sometimes, you have 1 syllable you want to remove on a line, so you remove a or the, but sometimes doing so modifies the ...
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Can I use a song lyric as the title of my theatre production?

I'm starting a theatre company and one of the ideas I have thought of for a production is an ongoing series of monologue/scratch evenings. I want to have the premise of each night to latch onto the ...
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