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Questions tagged [education]

This tag should be used for questions about the education required to perform certain writing related tasks.

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2 votes
3 answers

Who should be the antagonist when my novel is meant to be educational?

I am writing a science fantasy novel, but I think I should re-write it completely. Let me explain the situation. Here's the concept of my novel: The story takes place in an alternate world where a ...
Dannyu NDos's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Effort equivalence between video course and written course

If 1 page of a technical course is worth 1 point, how many points is 1 hour of a technical video course worth, creation effort-wise? Background and context: I work in academia in a technical field (...
IVlad's user avatar
  • 37
0 votes
0 answers

When Truth Meets Fiction [duplicate]

Is there such a category in books as a fictional memoir (tales about one's own life with exaggerated elements included for entertainment)?
La-V's user avatar
  • 41
1 vote
1 answer

Is it legal to use real people in education material?

We are doing a game-like app on the topic of literature where we will portray some of the writers with illustrations and animations, also making them utter certain things. Would this require ...
Ska's user avatar
  • 111
4 votes
5 answers

Is writing about your childhood in creative writing/fiction class necessary?

I have the same teacher for both a Journaling autobiographical class and a fictional writing class. While I expected to have to write about my personal life with one, she seems determined to have me ...
Chophousekpop's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Do colleges have students that writing coach for free for practice?

I have already worked with a university program to get a student life coach to work with me for free for practice, with good results. I am wondering if there are similar opportunities to get writing ...
user9885's user avatar
  • 559
7 votes
8 answers

What are good ways to improve as a writer other than writing courses?

As a novice writer to improve my writing I have taken one online course. I want to ask, what are good ways to improve as a writer other than writing courses?
The White Cloud's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Should I take up a Creative Writing online course? [closed]

To begin with I am a novice with no particular experience in Creative writing. However, I come from a technical background and I have experiences of writing the long academic thesis. I have finished ...
The White Cloud's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Software for developing a resource

Looking for software recommendation. I am hoping someone can help me, I am developing a book for children that covers mental illness and I want it to be flexible based on demographic or personal ...
Michelle Rogers's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is Masterclass worth it for a middle-grade author?

I already read Larry Brooks' very useful book "Story Engineering", and Mary Kole's Writing Irresistible Kidlit. Now I have finished and revised my first middle-grade (MG) novel a few times. Before ...
writer1313's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is the better academic option for a non-native English writer?

My native language is Arabic, and I read and wrote in Arabic often. However, I never received academic literature courses beyond high school level. As far as my English fluency goes, I'd say I'm ...
iamtowrite's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Is it necessary to take writing classes and learn formal fiction structure?

This is an offshoot from a comment exchange on an unrelated question. What to submit when asked for "sample chapters"? I know a large percentage of traditionally published fiction authors, ...
Cyn's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

What I kind of project can I do for a writer's group to show that I have mastered character development?

I have begun writing a story about two city-states in the year 2307 in an arms race to create a time machine. The protagonist must regain the confidence of his old "sim stealing" gang whom he sold ...
user9885's user avatar
  • 559
0 votes
3 answers

How difficult will writing a novel be for someone without formal training?

I almost asked the question "Can someone without formal training write a novel?", but the answer of course is yes. To get a better answer, I ask the following question: How difficult will writing a ...
curt1893's user avatar
  • 285
1 vote
2 answers

Sight Words standards for children's books

Are there certain standards for writing children's books? For example, I know there are certain sight words for children depending on age and grade. Are there standards that say you can only use a ...
Kyle B's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

I am teaching myself how to write a novel -- where can I find support and resources?

I want to have training in how to write fiction (particularly science fiction). I know that I can take courses (in my case online), and that I can join critique groups. I am on a budget, however... ...
user9885's user avatar
  • 559
1 vote
5 answers

So, where do I begin?

Where can an absolute newcomer to the discipline of writing begin to learn about the various types and genres of writing so as to become able to identify them simply by reading them? I have taken ...
jpbrooks-user153707's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Any advice on how to learn DITA for technical writing?

My situation is such that I will be looking for a new job next week as this contract ends. For a tech writer, it is good to have DITA on the ole' resume. So, I just wanted to know if anyone has a site ...
Linda Lawson-Bruton's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Technical writer degree with an English BA?

I'm desperately trying to get out of my dead end Federal job. I have a BA in English and a love of a lot of different topics, including several science fields. I would have Majored in science if I ...
Jemma Lewis's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Screenwriting courses online - Worth the money or not?

I'm looking into taking a screenwriting course online, either from UCLA or NYU or NYFA... If anyone has taken any of these, please answer the following: Are these online course certificates actually ...
Lee Spurrell's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Craft group exercises or chapters in critique groups?

I am an aspiring writer who feels blocked in terms of writing a novel because I am lacking knowledge of craft. I have taken two continuing education type writing courses in the past five years: ...
user9885's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How can I get my students to better integrate their sources into their writing?

A common problem I observe in student papers the use of source material in a sequential as opposed to an integrated fashion. For example, the first paragraph will be based on source 1, the second ...
DQdlM's user avatar
  • 251
6 votes
1 answer

How can I improve my analytical writing for a standardized test?

I will be taking the GRE test, which is an exam for students from non-English speaking countries who want to go to the US for graduate study. The test basically tests your English ability and your ...
Dylan Zhu's user avatar
  • 163
2 votes
1 answer

Setting up for writing

I am a work professional and the writer by choice. I have been writing for a while now but basically poems, short stories etc. I have been writing due to internal urge. An idea, emotion and a feeling ...
rptwsthi's user avatar
  • 257
1 vote
1 answer

Requesting A Writing Critique, Hopefully More Focused

In light of the questions I've been asking here and the questions I've had about my writing, I thought of a good candidate to try and be more specific about. This is a small paper I had to write for ...
Glenn1234's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

How can I help a writing-phobic but competent student develop their writing?

I am a professor in a science department and I am working with a student that has significant anxiety about writing, such that they have opted to receive a lower final grade rather than turn in ...
DQdlM's user avatar
  • 251
4 votes
2 answers

Knowing When To Cite?

In my essay (specifically a recount essay of a moment in the past), my objective is to end with the discussion of Death as a being (because my recounted moment will be related to death). I'd like to ...
jeremy's user avatar
  • 143
7 votes
4 answers

What is the best way to learn technical writing?

I have a moderate level of skills in technical writing (TW) having gone through graduation in engineering. I was wondering what would be the best way to sharpen my knowledge. I am also interested in ...
Stat-R's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

What's the appropriate way to write numbers in educational contexts like papers?

I want to know if numbers should be written alphabetically in educational contexts, for instance: 10 plasma samples out of 1016 cannot be ignored. Or Ten plasma samples out of one thousand and ...
Gigili's user avatar
  • 153
3 votes
4 answers

Copywriting Course

This is my first post, so apologies if I'm posting this in the wrong place. I've been working as a freelance SEO blog/article writer for almost a year and a half. While I enjoy the job, I am getting ...
Tracie Sherlock's user avatar
10 votes
8 answers

No English degree, what are my chances on successfully publishing a novel?

I don't have an English or Writing-related degree in any way. As of right now, I have no degree, but what I mean is that I'm not even pursuing a degree in writing. How does this hurt my chances? Do ...
bdrelling's user avatar
  • 548
5 votes
2 answers

How can one get better at copywriting?

Since copy is such a key part of a startup's website, many business people would like to learn to be good copywriters personally. Such a person would need to be a good persuasive writer, and able to ...
Kenneth Vogt's user avatar
5 votes
6 answers

Do online writing classes really help?

Almost all online writing workshops/classes/programs websites have scores of testimonials from students. It is very difficult to understand whether these really are students or paid testimonials. So, ...
RKhan's user avatar
  • 55
4 votes
1 answer

Suggest some arts schools for post-graduate in other field?

I have a bachelors and masters degree in Civil Engineering(Final yr Master's student). My hobby is playwriting. Now, I would like to pursue a career in arts. So, I'm looking for some universities ...
sarath's user avatar
  • 41
9 votes
5 answers

What are the most appropriate types of degrees (or kinds of schooling) that a would-be successful writer should aim to obtain?

What kinds of schooling should a teenager, trying to decide on a college, consider, if she is looking to grow to become a successful writer?
blueberryfields's user avatar