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9 votes
1 answer

How to make a fiction more visualizable by readers?

I was reading through Agatha Christie's novels and I found that she literally made me visualize everything in the plot. How does she do that?
Riotheavn 's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

I need help writing a scene or experience about air being knocked out of you

How would you write a scene of someone trying to breath again after getting the wind knocked out of them? I am trying to describe the experience and how your body reacts physically while your brain ...
Noelle Kitchen's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

How could I show good worldbuilding without ending up with info-dumps?

A horror story I am writing involves the protagonist in another world. It is like an isekai, but it is horror and the protagonist is trying to survive as long as possible. The main story surrounds the ...
Crafter's user avatar
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12 votes
9 answers

How do you show, through your narration, a hard and uncaring world?

As I've already mentioned, I'm working on a sci-fi novel. One of the main feelings that I wanted to represent when I started is the sense of a vast, empty, artificial world, mostly cold and uncaring ...
Liquid's user avatar
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18 votes
13 answers

A poker game description that does not feel gimmicky

I'm writing a scene in which four characters play a high-stakes poker game. So far my narrator has been an omniscient third person, who just does not wish to enter into the characters' heads. I ...
NofP's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Tips and tricks to describe more

I'm careful with the phrasing of this question as it is dangerously close to be opinion based. Everyone has their preference regarding the amount of description they expect to find in a work of ...
Nyakouai's user avatar
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4 answers

Phrasing to balance immense speed with boredom

Through much of my novel the protagonist spends considerable time cruising over various landscapes at speeds exceeding 500 km/h. To you or me this is significant but to the character, it's "just a job....
Brian Lacy's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to deal with Infalliable Narrator issue?

So, what I'm writing is a novel where I'm the narrator who describes life events of my another self. The whole story revolves around this character. This page contains the following passage in the ...
rus9384's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Difference between a descriptive essay and a narrative essay?

Okay, so here's my problem: I am trying to write an essay from a prompt that uses the word "describe", but what I'm being asked to describe is not a single person or object, rather it's more broadly a ...
pandalarry's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What's the name of this gesture? [closed]

Imagine yourself driving a car and and spotting someone on the sidewalk. You stop the car beside him and want him to get in the backseat. You say something like "Hey, get in." with a nod of ...
vedant's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How do I describe this particular scene?

My character lives in a war torn country. I'm trying to start this short story with him waking up on his way to school (possibly the bus stop). On his way, he sees graffiti, vandalism (basically ...
GD56's user avatar
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1 answer

How to add a new word to the dictionary

Background Okay, so I've decided now is my personal time to shine! I have thought of a great new word, and want to add it to the dictionary. Theoretically, if enough people read my book and see this ...
Featherball's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Does this text flow smoothly (description of suicidal thoughts)?

So how did this animal suicide thing start? Ironically, it began with my own death wish. But why? I had perfect health, friends and family who cared about me, plus I had just been admitted into ...
wyc's user avatar
  • 12.4k
4 votes
2 answers

Does the following piece have too much dry narration (mundane tasks, moving about)?

Tsuki woke up to the morning sun that entered through the window. She yawned and sat on the side of the bed, rubbing her eyes. The clock on the wall said half past ten. She brushed her teeth, ...
wyc's user avatar
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