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What's the literary term for saying you "see fireworks" when there are no fireworks?

So, like the question says, basically. Say a character kisses someone and the writing says "she saw fireworks exploding behind her closed eyes", what is that? Because it seems like it comes ...
user64447's user avatar
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4 answers

Which Is Clearer: 'Being pressed' or 'Pressed'?

Consider these two sentences: [1] Being pressed against the wall, he struggled to break free. [2] Pressed against the wall, he struggled to break free. I've recently spent some time reading grammar ...
MJ Ada's user avatar
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Can you switch from past to present tense to expound on an action?

If the text is primarily past tense, can you briefly switch to present tense to expound on an action? An example is as follows. She took one step before the brass bell above her door echoed a sharp ...
Bubbles's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Active voice in situations where the subject is unknown

In a situation where a POV character isn't lucid enough to see or interpret what's going on around them, I find myself constantly describing things either in passive voice, or by using the word '...
Typoglyphic's user avatar
1 vote
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Which makes better sense? [closed]

Is it correct to say: Sign Up to our Newsletter Or Sign Up for our Newsletter Thanks!
Andy's user avatar
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Do you capitalize the names of governments in a story?

I know that names of countries, states, cities, and counties are always capitalized, but what about governments and organizations? In my novella there are basically 2 sections of space, and each have ...
Abram Frost's user avatar