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Is it possible for an author to publish an online course based on their published book?

I know that a publisher usually demands exclusive publishing rights for a period of time. However, if that author creates an online course based on the book, would that typically be restricted by the ...
jameshfisher's user avatar
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Republishing a Creative Commons NonCommercial-NoDerivs licenced work for archival purposes

I have a 10+ year old 800 page pfd someone wrote but never published and I'd like to publish it (not taking credit for it, just to own a physical copy). The original author is dead so I can't get ...
NobodyPubliher29's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Do publishers care if submitted work has already been copyrighted?

I'm getting ready to start submitting a book I've written. I copyrighted an earlier draft of it a few years ago (as in submitted it for official registered copyright). The final draft has not ...
CMB's user avatar
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Can I rewrite and sell the material of already published history of literature book in the form of Q & A?

Can I rewrite and sell the material of an already published book about the history of literature in the form of Q&A? The purpose is educational/competitive. Will this be a breach of the Copy ...
Yogendra Kumar's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Can a book be published by more than one publisher?

1) Some books are published by more than one publisher. For example, if you go to Amazon or Flipkart and search for 'The Interpretation of Dreams' by Sigmund Freud, you will see many of them from ...
Sathyaish's user avatar
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