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2 answers

Can I use a photo or a video from a press release without permission?

In your news article or book, is it ok to include a photo or a video from a press release without permission – by of course crediting the firm that has issued that press release?
upstream's user avatar
  • 131
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4 answers

My novel was inspired by a golden-age musical. The setting is different but the plot threads and characters are similar. Am I plagiarizing?

I seem to see some similar questions to this, but not ones that answer my question well enough that I feel confident, so I’d love some feedback on my specific situation. I am a few chapters in to ...
user61596's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can emphasizing a point qualify as fair use?

I'm learning the ropes regarding fair use. An important key word appears to be "transformative." If I'm writing political commentary, and I violently disagree with someone else's opinion, I ...
Paredon's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Do you need to get author's permission to quote him in a non-fiction book?

I have a non-fiction book idea that would frequently use quotes/reviews from a specific author. Would I need to get that author's permission to quote him/her, and to base the entire book on these ...
Debra's user avatar
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