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17 votes
6 answers

How can I effectively invent a language?

I want to make a particular language that adapts to the story. And the language has to have x and y and e characteristics for example. Is there a protocol to follow on the process of making a ...
Jose Luis's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Formatting multiple languages while avoiding italics for native speakers in their POV

Looking at this question, I was trying to figure out how to format a small family of novels and short stories that use a number of languages. My original approach went with the above question's style. ...
dmoonfire's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Can I use an existing fictional language?

When creating a world where there are either aliens or fantasy races, you know that they should speak their own language. But the truth is that for story purposes, such races will speak their language ...
Pavel Janicek's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How can you make up a convincing dialect?

I often need to introduce one, if not several, made up dialects. We're talking about fictional worldbuilding: so any real world dialect is ruled out. They can be used as a source of inspiration, but ...
Liquid's user avatar
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