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Is using Swahili inspired vocabulary and words similar to Japanese slang in my custom language cultural appropriation?

For context the species using my language are non-human with mostly human characteristics. This extraterrestrial race is called the Ilya and they differ from humans in the way that they evolved to be ...
Cheesecake183's user avatar
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3 answers

Would incorporating a constructed language into my story this way cause confusion later?

This is part of the story I'm working on: “Imikagaw” a feminine voice called out as she put her hand on the back of the man in cape. “Usamiakusta ow ihsataw aw amas Enna “Uoyustih ag imikagaw aw nah ...
calvin_0's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How can you make up a convincing dialect?

I often need to introduce one, if not several, made up dialects. We're talking about fictional worldbuilding: so any real world dialect is ruled out. They can be used as a source of inspiration, but ...
Liquid's user avatar
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Should I include an appendix to reference words of an in-universe language for a fantasy novel?

Context I am currently working on a fantasy novel in which one of the main characters is a nobleman and scholar, studying exotic languages as part of his higher education and translating documents ...
Sciborg's user avatar
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What font should I use to write alien language?

In my story, I'm using the font WingDings to represent the language for the alien race. Should I be using something different or am I ok with using WingDings to represent a constructed language? Any ...
Wilco Whiteheart's user avatar
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Chants in fictional languages

I plan at several parts of my book to have war chants done in the fictional language of my main race/species. Would it be better to write the chant in their language? Put the fictional language with ...
ggiaquin16's user avatar
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Formatting multiple languages while avoiding italics for native speakers in their POV

Looking at this question, I was trying to figure out how to format a small family of novels and short stories that use a number of languages. My original approach went with the above question's style. ...
dmoonfire's user avatar
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6 answers

How to handle translation of a language in a comic, while preserving a sense that the language is significant?

I am producing a comic in which a fictional language is frequently spoken. This language (and which characters are able to speak it) is significant to the plot, so it's important that the reader ...
TheTermiteSociety's user avatar
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5 answers

How can I keep my dialogue nuanced and informal without breaking the illusion that the story is a translation (from a fictional language)?

The story I'm writing is in English, but it's set in a constructed world with a range of different languages. The general conceit is that anything the viewpoint character (of which there's more than ...
TheTermiteSociety's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How to Explain the Pronunciation of a Conlang Within the Text of the Novel

In novels which contain a constructed language (conlang), there are areas where the rules of pronunciation can be specified. These areas have the disadvantage of either being before the story and ...
Thomas Reinstate Monica Myron's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Writing in English, from the viewpoint of a non-English-speaking character, how can I convey a language very similar to the character's own?

To provide a little background, I'm writing a novel set in a fantasy world, within which there are multiple languages. I'm applying the rule that any speech the viewpoint character (I'm using ...
TheTermiteSociety's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Transcribing a fictional pictograph based language

I'm a fresh pup to this site and I have a bit of a quagmire at my fingertips. My novel takes place in a dystopian future approximately half a century from the modern day. Consumerism and promotional ...
Jed's user avatar
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5 answers

Can I use an existing fictional language?

When creating a world where there are either aliens or fantasy races, you know that they should speak their own language. But the truth is that for story purposes, such races will speak their language ...
Pavel Janicek's user avatar
4 votes
8 answers

Constructed Language - how to spell words that will be mispronounced in English

I wasn't sure how to phrase the title, so it may be a bit confusing. Feel free to edit it if you can phrase it better. This question may be better suited for Worldbuilding SE. However, it is about ...
Thomas Reinstate Monica Myron's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Should I create my own ConLang for my story? [closed]

For my story I'm writing, some of the characters speak a different language from the protagonists. Should I actually create a ConLang (constructed language) for them and use it in dialog OR should ...
WeekzGod's user avatar
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17 votes
6 answers

How can I effectively invent a language?

I want to make a particular language that adapts to the story. And the language has to have x and y and e characteristics for example. Is there a protocol to follow on the process of making a ...
Jose Luis's user avatar
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